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October 6, 1951

October 6, 1951

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Smythe And Mates Total Over Century In Service

TORONTO. Ont.— Didn’t think we’d live to see the day when we could put the lie to the old and oh-so-truthful bromide that there’s no one with endurance like the guy who sells insurance. But what about the longevity records of the top brass of the Toronto Maple Leafs? Figger Filberts have doped it out that Conn Smvthe. Han Dav. Joe Primeau. King Clancv. Bob Davidson and Reg Hamilton have toiled a total of 108 years for a club that is entering upon its 25th season of hockey competition in the N.H.L. This does not constitute the feat of the century or a poser for Einstein. Merely a case of adding up the years of service these men, who now formulate the hockey fortunes of the Leaf organization, have given to the Toronto club.…


Passing The Puck

ALWAYS INSISTENT on having “strength down the middle,” Conn Smythe of the Leafs, has been trying out Danny Lewicki, ace rookie left winger of last season, at the center slot in pre-season workouts. Lewicki has been pivoting a youthful line with Fleming Mackell and Ray Timgren on the wings. Other centers on the Toronto squad are Cal Gardner, Ted Kennedy and Max Bentley…Johnny McCormack became a father the same day he arrived at the Montreal Canadiens training camp. The ex-Toronto center engaged in a practice skirmish his first day on skates. Lots of hockey interest in Saskatoon these days as the Hub City’s new entry in the Pacific Coast loop are busy going through their practice sessions. Bill Cook, coach of the Quakers, is expected to ice a strong contender…


Famous Inn Signs No. 10


The Hockey News

ALL-STARS 4 TORONTO 3 1st GAME 1947-48 ALL-STARS 3 TORONTO 1 2nd GAME 1948-49 ALL-STARS 3 TORONTO 1 3rd GAME 1949-50 DETROIT 7 ALL-STARS 14th GAME 1950-51…