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October 22, 1947

October 22, 1947

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Hawks Miss Mosienko Right Wing Weakened

CHICAGO— “It was just one of those things that may never happen again,” said President Bill Tobin of the Chicago Black Hawks last week, commenting upon Bill Mosienko’s fractured ankle. “We expect him to be out of the lineup for at least si or eight weeks,” continued Tobin. “It came as a serious blow to us for we were banking on Willie to help us this year. Of courses it could just as well have happened in practice.” Mosienko is shelved for a good part of the season—probably until January—as the result of his injury received in last week’s All Star game in Maple Leaf Gardens. At the time he was attempting to make his way between the boards and Leaf defenceman Jim Thomson when the latter issued a routine check and “Wee…


Golden Gaels Of Queen’s U. Acquire Coach

KINGSTON, ONT.— The Queen’s University Intercollegiate hockey team, which finished in the league cellar last season, intends vacating that lone too enjoyable position this rear. The Gaels have commenced their ice activities by naming Sene Chouinard as head coach to succeed George Patterson of loyceville. Chouinard, originally a native of Ottawa, is an experienced hockey campaigner both in the playing and coaching departments. He coached the Perth Blue Wings to junior fame while in his heyday he saw action with the Cleveland Barons of the A.H.L. He has a vast knowledge of the game Itself and believes that hockey contests are not won on the penalty bench. He has set ideas on offensive action and should the Golden Gaels take quick heed of the new style of play, they are expected to do…


Canucks For Olympics; R.C.A.F. Team Gets Nod

OTTAWA— The long-debated and hotly-argued question of Canada’s representation in the Olympic hockey contests in Switzerland this winter was finally settled by officials of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association when they decided to send a team selected from players in the R.C.A.F. With the Allan-Cup winning Montreal Royals, and most of the top senior and junior teams in the country, barred because of the rigid adherence to the Olympic code of amateurism, the R.C.A.F. measure was adopted so Canada at least would be represented, although how strongly is another question. The Olympic rules define an amateur as one who plays sports for the physical and moral benefits appertaining for his services. On the other hand, the C.A.H.A. and most hockey officials in Canada accept a man as an amateur if he is not…


Overtime Resumed

Overtime play, suspended during the war will be resumed by the USHL this season. If at the end of three 20-minute periods, the score is tied, the clubs shall change goals and one 10 minute period shall be played. If the score is still tied at the end of 10 minutes the game shall be called a “TIE” and each team shall be credited with one point in the League standing. HOCKEY CALENDAR October 23 to 29 A.H.L. & U.S.H.L. 25—Borton nt Canadiens; Chicago nt Toronto. 26—Cnnndteu at Detroit; Chicago at Boston. 29—Canadians at Toronto: Boston at Rangers; Detroit at Chicago. A.H.L 23—Buffalo at Indianapolis; Washington at New Haven. 24—Springfield at Washington. 28—Providence at Cleveland; New Haven at Hershey: Philadelphia at Pittsburgh: Buffalo nt St. Louis; Washington at Springfield 24—St. Louis at Buffalo: Philadelphia at Indianapolis; Springfield at New Haven; Pittsburgh…