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All Access Pass 2006

All Access Pass 2006

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Just relax, don’t be afraid of the ALARM CLOCK

The game-day nap is one of hockey’s oldest traditions, which means the prospect of sleeping through the opening faceoff is one of hockey’s oldest fears. “Oh my God, I’m like a freak about the alarm clock,” says Pittsburgh Penguins winger Colby Armstrong, who rooms with Sidney Crosby on the road. “I check it three or four times. They have these wake-up calls, too. They call your room (you don’t say?). They’re pretty safe. But what’s that called? Obsessive-compulsive? It must be me, because I get freaked out.” Once asleep – Armstrong’s nap time is 1-3 p.m. – there is always the possibility of a nightmare. A recurring one. “You’re getting ready for a game and you can’t tie your skates, then you miss the game,” Armstrong says. “I just couldn’t get my skates tied.…


Military Man

There are plenty of NHLers with cannon shots, but few can say they have fired a cannon. For many European players, there are two drafts. In one, they pull on a jersey. In the other, they are all sent to the same team with the same uniform – the army. Finland, like most other European countries, has a conscript army. Military service is compulsory for men between the ages of 18 and 30. Back in the 1980s, mandatory military service was either eight or 11 months, depending on the level of training. Today, young men in Finland must serve a minimum of six months, but can opt for 13 months of community service. All Finnish men get a call to report for military service and few can turn it down. This year, Tuukka…



Even when he’s not moving his best, Alex Ovechkin gets places fast. It’s the dog days of summer and despite walking a little gingerly after beginning his first pre-season workouts, Ovechkin still arrives 20 minutes early for the photo shoot that will land him on the glossy cover of this magazine. Unfortunately, The Hockey News crew charged with capturing the essential Ovechkin on camera doesn’t quite share his punctuality. The four-man group includes an art director to set up the shots and props; a photographer to take the pictures; a second photographer to chronicle the shoot itself; and a writer to jot down whatever the cameras miss. While all four are looking forward to this event, none of them is anxious to tell the NHL’s rookie of the year and one of…


Living the GM’s life

The telephone in John Muckler’s office in the bowels of Scotiabank Place is quiet on this glorious summer morning in late August. It’s not always that way. Soon the leaves will turn color in the Gatineau Hills as summer turns into fall, temperatures will drop below zero at night in Ottawa and the telephone that has been silent will start ringing off the hook again. Muckler, 73, is at an age where most people are thinking about greener pastures and retirement. Not this guy. He doesn’t want to go anywhere. He’s excited when he gets up in the morning. He’s having too much fun. He’s driven by the desire for one more Stanley Cup before he heads off into the sunset. Sure, Muckler won five titles with the Edmonton Oilers – including the team’s…