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May 27, 1988

May 27, 1988

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Oilers Are Cream Of The Crop-Without Coffey

REMEMBER PAUL COFFEY? Edmonton Oilers don’t. Mention his name in the dressing room of the Stanley Cup champions and you get a funny look. It’s as if they’re saying “Oh yeah, I remember him. Long time ago. Played for the Oilers. “We were a different team then.” But in fact, little is being said about Paul Coffey at all. Life without Coffey in Edmonton has not been what was expected. The trade that was supposed to have given the Oilers a future, has given them a present and a future. The loss of Coffey has, if anything, changed the Oilers. Some say it has improved them. Words that once could not be used to describe the Oilers are now appropriate. Disciplined. Patient. Defense-minded. Most of all, what the Edmonton Oilers are now they weren’t before—a team. In some ways, Glen…




In Search Of The Perfect General Manager

BLOOMINGTON, Minn.—The first question is, where do you find a general manager? There isn’t a school around that teaches NHL Managing 101. If you’re seeking a coach, you can look toward the minors, the juniors, or colleges. If you’re seeking a general manager, as are the Minnesota North Stars, where do you look? “Everywhere,” said team president Lou Nanne. North Star owners Gordon and George Gund were checking every possibility. NHL coaches, assistant general managers, directors of player development, former NHL players, junior coaches and GMs—all were given consideration. The list was a long one. and it was conceivable the Stars would go into the June 11 entry draft without a new general manager to replace Nanne, who resigned due to health reasons. In mid-May, Nanne said the interviewing process for the GM’s job was…


Refs Offered Doughnuts, But They’re Still In Hole

I’M WITH THE refs on this one. No, not those ice-scrapers in yellow sweatshirts and green Devils’ sweatpants, the amateur officials who played supporting roles in one of the NHL’s greatest public pratfalls. I’m talking about the 42-member NHL Officials’ Association. Line me up with Dave Newell and Denis Morel, Gord Broseker and Ray Scapinello, Kerry Fraser, Pat Dapuzzo, Don Koharski and every other NHLOA zebra who has been skinned in person or in print by some GM, coach, fan or reporter—I plead “No contest” on that count, your honor—at one time or another. The Jim Schoenfeld affair was a farce from beginning to end. Referee Don Koharski was offered doughnuts, but the NHL continued to keep its officials in the hole. Newell, Scapinello and Broseker, the scheduled officials for game four of the…