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March 13, 1987

March 13, 1987

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



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Gretzky Leader

In case there’s anyone out there who still isn’t convinced of Wayne Gretzky’s overwhelming greatness, let’s look at yet another series of measuring sticks. One of the popular knocks against Gretzky goes something like this: “Sure, he scores a lot of points, but so would a minormidget if he skated on the Oiler power play.” Well, folks, it just isn’t true. In games through Feb. 15, Gretzky’s scoring dominance in even-strength and shorthanded situations was even more pronounced than his lead amongst powerplay scorers. Power Play Scoring Leaders, 1986-87 Shorthanded Scoring Leaders, 1986-87 Even-Strength Scoring Leaders, 1986-87…


Only The Horse Didn’t Appreciate Rendez-Vous

TO MANY CHAPS in the National Hockey League, picking the highlight from a dazzling array at Rendez-vous ‘87 was easy. It came at the $350-per-plate, seven-course international dinner. A horse, used to pipe in one of the courses, made a pit stop close to a table full of members of the media and manufactured an allotment of old-fashioned hockey pucks. That inspired one chap seated at the table to remark: “I didn’t know Harold Ballard’s influence reached this far.” Okay, so a horse as media critic is splendid, a new wrinkle, just one of the many parts of R-V ‘87 that was brand new to the NHL. But, what’s really novel is that the large array of NHL knockers in the media—many of whom can’t really produce reasons for their rancor—could find…

The Minors

Murphy’s Rare Good Times Turn To Bad

GLENS FALLS, N.Y.—After taking several steps forward in February, Joe Murphy closed the month with a giant step backward. A three-game suspension, levied Feb. 27 by Adirondack Red Wings’ coach Bill Dineen, scratched the 19-year-old center from the lineup for the final two games of a road trip and an important home game against Moncton. The Wings won all three—6-4 at Springfield, 8-3 at Maine and 6-5 over Moncton in a shootout. Even though the Red Wings were playing with only 15 skaters, Dineen followed through with his plan to suspend Murphy, the first player taken in the 1986 entry draft. Murphy was scheduled to return to the lineup March 4 against Fredericton. Neither side offered much of an explanation for the suspension, which added a sour final note to Murphy’s best month as a…