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September 5, 1986

September 5, 1986

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Wings Obtain Goaltender But Was Price Too High?

DETROIT—The Detroit Red Wings suffered dearly last season because they didn’t have an adequate No. 2 man in goal. Solving that problem was a high priority of the off-season. But capable National Hockey League goaltenders are a precious lot and the Red Wings paid a hefty price to find a man they think fits the job description of Greg Stefan’s back-up. General manager Jimmy Devellano acquired goalie Glen Hanlon from the New York Rangers for center Kelly Kisio, right winger Lane Lambert and defenseman Jim Leavins. The deal, Phil Esposito’s first as Ranger general manager, also involves draft choices, which will be determined on the basis of performance. The Wings received third-round picks in 1987 and 1988. Those choices will be upgraded to the second round if either Kisio or Lambert has a…


Negotiations Represent Off-Season Of Reason

IF I WERE a player, I would probably wonder why Alan Eagleson was in such a rush to settle, seven full weeks before the strike deadline. Everyone knows you don’t get reasonable too early in these things. If you talk tough across the table, jump up and down in the press and generally act obnoxious, you might be able to squeeze out a few more pennies, even if you never had any intention at all of walking. If I were an owner, I’d wonder why just because my business had finally crept into the black after years of struggling, I now have to give some of it back. I wouldn’t see any big network television contract imminent, nor any sign of another league forming and I’d wonder what the hell was…


Devils’ Youth Movement Leads To Many Changes

EAST RUTHERFORD—There was an added sense of triumph for the Devils when free agents Doug Brown, Tim Lenardon and David Anderson put their signatures on New Jersey contracts this summer. Not only did the Devils land three highly-regarded young players, but they also outbid the rival New York Rangers for Brown and the hated Edmonton Oilers for Lenardon. “It’s easy to sign free agents if nobody else wants them. If somebody else wants them it takes a little longer. We look at this as having three victories in the offseason,” said Devils’ general manager Max McNab. “These are three highly-talented and dedicated young hockey players who were courted by a number of NHL clubs. “We’re delighted they’ve chosen to come to New Jersey because we believe they are going to form an important…


Ornest Considering Offer Of $34 Million

ST. LOUIS—Owner Harry Ornest is mulling over a $34-million package deal that would transfer the St. Louis Blues and The Arena to local interests. Omest, a Beverly Hills realtor, has made no public comment on the deal. It would net him a profit of from $23-25 million for his three-year reign as owner. Ornest and his family control 92 per cent of the Blues and 100 percent of The Arena. The offer was engineered by Mayor Vincent Schoemehl. who must keep the Blues at The Arena to thwart the building of a multi-raillion dollar sports complex in neighboring St. Louis County. Schoemehl said the city would pay $ 15 million for the 60-year-old Arena. Omest paid about $5 million for the building and says he has spent $3 million to renovate it. The would-be owners—St.…