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December 7, 1984

December 7, 1984

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Shutt Opens Another Door For Hot Kings

LOS ANGELES—The Los Angeles Kings acquired Steve Shutt specifically to improve their power play—the worst in the National Hockey League—and it didn’t take long for the 32-year-old veteran to do his thing. In his first game with the Kings, Nov. 21, Shutt clicked on the power play, as Los Angeles swamped New Jersey, 8-1, to stretch their unbeaten string to seven games. “The goal was nice, but I’m especially glad we won the game,” said the former first-round pick of Montreal who played 12 seasons for the Canadiens before they traded him to the Kings, Nov. 18, for future considerations. “If we had blown it, they’d all be pointing a finger at me.” Shutt, who set a record for left wingers when he scored 60 goals in 1976-77 and entered this season tied…


The Hockey News

THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded in 1947 by Kenneth W. McKenzie PUBLISHER Dean Heine BUSINESS MANAGER Tony Dobranowski EDITOR IN CHIEF Bob McKenzie EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Charlie Halpin ASSISTANT EDITOR Pern Lefko CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Stan Fischler. Frank Orr DIRECTOR ADVERTISING SALES Danny Lewicki ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Ranch Green ADVERTISING SERVICES MANAGER Esther Sumka ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES For Canadian Consumer Advertising Only Call: CCMC, Cliff Kivell. 287 MacPherson Ave. Toronto. Ontario M4V IA4 (416) 928-2909 SUBSCRIPTION STRVICES MANAGER Patricia Back NEWSSTAND SERVICES MANAGER Esther Sumka CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Judy Hartman Rosanne Tanino AC COUNTING DEPARTMENT Tom Moffat Mary Carubia SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Hughes Marketing Hockey News Bookshelf (416) 499-8227 ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFIC ES 85 Scarsdale Rd., Suite 100 Toronto. Ontario. Canada M3B 2R2 (416) 445-5702 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 850 Third Avenue New York. New York 10022 NEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTOR Distributed nationally by Disticor 101 Duncan Mill Rd. Suite 1.4 Don Mills. Ont. M3B IZ3 (416) 449-6430 THE HOCKEY NEWS, (ISSN 0018-3016) is published weekly except monthly June and bimonthly July and August by W.C.C. Publishing Ltd., 85 Scarsdale Road #100, Toronto. Ontario. Canada M3B 2R2 (416) 445-5702.…


The Hockey News

The International Hockey Weekly Founded in 1947 Published by W.C.C. Publishing Ltd. 85 Scarsdale Road, #100, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3B 2R2. The Net Result WITH THE National Hockey League season having passed the one-quarter mark, one of the most frequently heard complaints so far concerns the new type of goal nets. They are called MEGG-NETS, named for their inventor, Dennis Meggs of Ayr, Ont. They differ from the old traditional nets—moored to the ice by two long pins that extended up through the hollow goal posts—in that they are secured to the ice by a magnetic plate. This magnetic plate, the force of which can be adjusted up or down to suit the level of play (i.e. less magnetic strength for younger, lighter players), allows the net to be knocked free of its moorings should an…


Bulldogs, Sioux Back On Track

DULUTH—It’s one thing to win a league championship and another thing to come back and successfully defend it. That’s the lesson the University of Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs learned early this season when they sputtered off to a 0-3-1 start in defense of their Western Collegiate Hockey Association crown. But since the troubles in the early going, the Bulldogs have righted them-selves and were undefeated in their next eight games, four of those wins coming in the WCHA. A year ago, Duluth finished with its best record (29-11-2), while winning the league crown for the first time and finishing second in the nationals, losing the historic four-overtime game to Bowling Green. But instead of helping Duluth this year, last year’s success hurt the Bull-dogs in the early going, according to coach Mike Sertich. “I think the trouble…