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September 14, 1984

September 14, 1984

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



Knock It Off, Victor THE ACT WAS one the Soviets had not used for a few years, but then revivals are big on North American stages these days. Maybe the success of the King and I on its 10th time around was its inspiration. USSR national team coach Victor Tikhonov, the most successful hockey boss on the globe, addressed the press after the comrades had beaten Team Canada, 5-4, in the final exhibition game before the Canada Cup international tournament. Tikhonov had a very serious look on his face, containing some concern and puzzlement, as he delivered his little speech through an interpreter. “I was surprised by Wayne Gretzky’s behaviour,” Tikhonov said. “He made a spear at one of our players and then ran away to the bench. I never saw such a thing…



1. Who was the Canada Cup tournament MVP in 1976? 2. Name a Canadian-born goaltender who played for Team USA in 1981. 3. Who scored the only overtime goal in Canada Cup history. 4. Which country did Canada fail to beat in the round-robin section of both the 1976 and 1981 tournaments? 5. Name the only player who was in the top 10 scorers of both tournaments? 6. Who scored Canada’s only goal in their loss to the Soviets in the 1981 final? 7. Name the only goalies to register a point in Canada Cup history? 8. Who played goal for Canada in their round-robin meeting with Russia in 1981? 9. What Canadian player suffered a broken ankle in the 1981 tournament? 10. Name the Czech goalie who shut out Canada in the 1976 tourney? Answers in next week’s issue.…



The DUPLISKATE, which is virtually the only Automatic Skate Sharpener available, has managed to bring to skate sharpening a new dimension because the consistently superb quality of sharpening it offers is combined with a speed and ease of operation that it is hard to match with a traditional manual machine. At the same time, customized sharpening filling the requirements of individual hockey players as to Hollow Grind, Profile and Rockering are now easily and accurately available. The new Auto Speed Clamp on the 1984 model avoids all chance of a high edge, while at the same time, it straightens warped and bent blades while they are sharpened. The 1984 model of the DUPLISKATE Sharpening System applies to skate sharpening the sophisticated state of the art technology we have a right to expect in…


THIS WEEK… 20 Years Ago

Here’s what was happening 20 years ago this week in hockey: • Hockey mourned the losses of two of its most prominent men, Walter Brown, 69, and Art Ross, 78. Ross was general manager and coach of the initial Boston Bruin team in 1924. He guided them to their first of three Stanley Cups championships five years later. Brown was also actively involved in sports in Boston, as he owned the Boston Garden and the basketball Celtics, and later became a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame. • The New York Rangers announced that Swedish star, Ulf Sterner, would attend training camp, making him the first European player to try and land a job with the team. • Plans were revealed in Detroit to televise some of the Red Wing road games…