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August 1, 1978

August 1, 1978

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Providing Canucks With New Attitude Neale’s Big Concern

VANCOUVER— Harry Neale didn’t attend the Vancouver Canucks training camp last season for obvious reasons. If he had, he would have seen a charade—people pretending to compete for positions on the National Hockey League club even though everyone knew exactly where they were going to start the season. Depth was something the Canucks looked to Jacques Cousteau for. An extra player at a position was a bonus. An injury usually sent the club into a string of changes, altering everyone. But this year things could be different. The Canucks actually have more than three centers. Most of the time last year they had two with Don Lever playing in the middle of a third line, and they had that many only after general manager Jake Milford traded for Pit Martin. The club played…


Capitals’ Pollin Sent McNab On Talent Hunt

NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE LOUISVILLE SLUGGER HOCKEY STICKS Made in Canada by HILLERICH & BRADSBY, LTD Arnold Street. Wallaceburg. Ontario Sold in U S and Canada LOUISVILLE SLUGGER HOCKEY STICKS Made in Canada by HILLERICH & BRADSBY, LTD Arnold Street. Wallaceburg. Ontario Sold in U S and Canada Special to the Hockey News WASHINGTON— On July 10th, the Washington Capitals held their annual street hockey “Extravanganza” at Capital Centre, and thousands of miniature Guy Charron’s roared noisely around the parking lot. But it’s a good bet that the decibel levels will be even higher this fall when the rejuvenated Capitals hit the ice for year five. Owner Abe Pollin, whose basketball team reigns as the NBA champs, has decided he likes the glow of a championship team and has sent general manager Max McNab on a talent search. McNab responded by drafting 19 hopefuls in the amateur…


Big Names Still Heading NHL’s Free Agent Ranks

Special To The Hockey News MONTREAL— The National Hockey League’s once imposing free agent list, which numbered well over 100 players at the close of the 1977-78 season, has dwindled but there are still some well known hockey names up for grabs. Probably the most talented of the free agent pack is still the Los Angeles Kings’ duo of goaler Roger Vachon and center Butch Goring. Neither has signed with the Kings and while some NHL clubs, notably Detroit, expressed an interest in the pair, the compensation price is apparently too rich for the Red Wings’ blood. Wings’ GM Ted Lindsay said he would be willing to give up some players to get Vachon but not Dale McCourt and Reed Larson, both of whom have been mentioned by the media as being demanded by…


McCammon’s Pro Coaching Background Convinved Flyers To Offer Him NHL Job

Summer Of Decision WHEN LIFE BECOMEStoo tough for the average man, he can always go to the funny farm. But Steve Shutt is not your average man. “I went out and bought my own funny farm,” he said the other day. “After two years with the Montreal Canadiens, I was that close to going crazy. That close to a nervous breakdown. “So for one summer, I paid for a 100-acre place near my home in Toronto and just went there with my dog. Didn’t want to see anybody, even my friends, because they’d only want to talk about one thing. Hockey.” Which, at the time, happened to be a sport Shutt wasn’t very actively engaged in. As Les Habitants’ fifth left wing, he spent most game nights in league press boxes, “which was O.K.…