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December 28, 1973
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
HOCKEY … For Minors
Carrying The Puck No player is going to st ay long wit It a team if he can’t carry the puck without looking al it all the time. Defeneemei watch lor attackers with their heads down so they can body check 1 hem right oil the ice. Only constant practice can make yon a good puck carrier. Al first. carry the puck well out in front of you so it’s barely in your vision as you lookup! he ice to where you’re headed Concentrate on the feel of the puck on your stick, that little bit of weight on the blade Alternate carrying the puck with skating without it so you can get to know the two different feelings. It’s a good idea to turn the tip of the stick blade slightly inward so…
Seals’ Goaling Becomes Desperate
OAKLAND— If the rumor is true that Charley O. Finley is selling the California Golden Seal she had better get the deal made soon or all he will have to sell will be some nifty-colored green and gold uniforms and an ambulance full of hockey players. In mid-December, with the Seals struggling to clamber out of the Western Division cellar, about one-third of the club was either bound up in bandages or cemented into casts. And the Seals seemed to be self-destructing, at least so far as their goaltenders were concerned. On Nov. 28 during a morning workout. Gilles Meloche was slashed across the hand by the skate of a teammate. He needed surgery to repair lacerated tendons and he was expected to be out of action six weeks. A week later,…
CONTROLLING INTEREST in the Vancouver Canucks will be taken over by a Vancouver syndicate headed by veteran hockey man Coley Hall early in the New Year… Due to the fuel oil crisis. Bowdoin College has cancelled all of its January sports events. Most of the games have been rescheduled for later in the season… bred Shero, Philadelphia coach, is very much against curved blades on hockey sticks. “If 1 was the owner of the team I’d get rid of those blasted hooks so fast their heads would swim,” said Shero. who admits that as a coach he hesitates to make an issue of the matter… Toronto and Philadelphia have been talking player deals. The Flyers are interested in Ron Ellis. They say the Flyers would be willing to part with…
ND’s Kronholm Sets New Shutout Mark
SOUTH BEND — There are so many good offensive players in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association that a shutout is one of the rarest and most treasured accompl ishments. There have only been three so far this season — by Denver sophomore Peter Lo-Presti (3-0 over North Dakota): by Michigan Tech senior Rick Quance (7-0 over Michigan); and most recently. by Notre Dame senior Mark Kronholm (2-0 over Michigan). Kronholm’s fourth career shutout broke the oldest record in Notre Dame’s hockey guide, one he had shared with Jim Crowley, of all people.” Crowley, for those not familiar with Notre Dame lore, was a member of that famous backfield of Stuhldreher. Miller. Layden and Crowley, otherwise known as the Four Horsemen. Not as well known, however, was that Crowley played goal for Notre…