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March 16, 1968

March 16, 1968

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Team Needs Third Line, Defenseman

OAKLAND, Calif. – Well, the Oakland Seals gave it their best shot — and an admirable one considering the circumstances — but came up with too little, too late. So, even though they still are not mathematically eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs, the Seals can pretty much start figuring how they’ll rebuild for next year, and if they get the help they need, look out! The worst blow of the season to those playoff hopes came last Thursday (March 8) in Los Angeles where the Kings gave the Seals a 9-2 licking which was by far the worst beating the Oaklanders have suffered this year against a Western Division opponent. Until that game, the Seals had put together a string which featured five wins, three ties, and three losses, and figured that maybe…


Leading Blazers Boast Solid Defense Leaving Wings Behind In CPHL Race

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – The Oklahoma City Blazers only had 11 games left on their 1967-68 Central Professional Hockey schedule but were the winningest team in the circuit with 33 triumphs and holding an eight point lead over Fort Worth Wings in their tussle for top spot in the circuit’s Southern Division. Coach Murray Davison had no great complaints and was particularly pleased with the play of goalie Russ Gillow who come back from suffering a broken finger to sport a classy 2.21 goals-against average and was leading in shutouts with five. The Blazers by far were the best defensive team in the eight club loop giving up only 147 goals in 59 tests, thanks a great deal to a tight defence and the work of Gillow and Dennis Gibson in the cage. Rookie…


Coach, Player Arraigned

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – On his arrival in Los Angeles, Montreal coach Toe Blake and player Claude Provost voluntarily surrendered for arrest and were arraigned on the morning of March 5 in Municipal Court encharges of “felonious assault” pressed against them by Bernard Weisman, 39, of Northridge, Calif. Judge Jean Dempsey Klein released them without bail, but ordered them to return for preliminary hearing May 20, after the NHL season has ended. Weisman, a fan who charged the Montreal bench and was involved and claims injury in a scuffle therein during the last Montreal visit to L.A. on Nov. 19, and another fan, Mrs. Margaret G. Ottens, who claims involvement and Injury in the scuffle, also have pending a $655,000 civil suit for damages against Blake, Provost, the Canadiens, California Sports, Inc,,…


Shack - Zeidel Stick ‘Duel’ Could Have Been Disaster

MONTREAL, QUE – National Hockey League president Clarence Campbell labelled last week’s Larry Zeidel-Eddie Shack stick-swinging affair “a near-disaster”. And then he promptly meted out a grand total of seven games in suspensions — four for Zeidel, whom Campbell claimed was “the aggressor” of the incident, and three for Shack, who did the retaliating. “This was without a doubt the most vicious episode of its type the league has experienced in many years,” Campbell stated after doling out what he considered stiff suspensions. “The force of any one of the blows could easily have produced a disaster. “Both of the principals are most fortunate that their injuries were of a minor nature,” continued the NHL chief. “But such conduct is absolutely intolerable. A realistic effort will be made to stamp out such behavior…