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March 9, 1968

March 9, 1968

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Corrigan, Cote Seen Top NHL Ice Prospects

SPRINGFIELD. Mass. - Roger Cote and Mike Corrigan are key players for the Springfield Kings. Each gets the job done with the club. Both are popular with local fans. In fact, their play will have a lot to do with the team’s finish the last few weeks. Originally a defenseman under Eddie Shore, Cote was converted into a wing. This season he moved back into defense when so many of the back liners were called up to LA or injured. He made the adjustment very easily. Corrigan is close to big league material. He nearly made the parent Los Angeles Kings in training camp last fall. He has been called up several times the past season for fill in work with LA. He has a big league future. Cote is a big man. He…


Must Win On Our Own Allen Advises Flyers As Team Eyes Title

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - You’re not supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth but Keith Allen can even count the wrinkles on his tonsils. The “gift horse” would be a helping hand from other teams in the National Hockey League which, in turn, would enable the Flyers to capture the Western Division championship. “Sure, it’s nice getting help from other teams who help knock off your contenders,” said Allen, the I Flyers’ coach. “But that’s not the way tow in it. You’ve I got to win it by yourself. “When you go out there and win your own games, you don’t have to worry about anybody else catching you. “ The Flyers were protecting a slim lead as the regular season headed down to its last three weeks. Minnesota and Los Angeles were determined…


Springfield Game To Aid Retarded Children Fund

SPRINGFIELD, Mass.- The Springfield Kings will play a regularly scheduled American Hockey League game at home for the benefit of the Friends of the Retarded Children. The Rochester Americans will meet the Kings at the Eastern States Coliseum on Friday night, March 15. Proceeds from tickets sold in advance by the non-profit group will be used to provide facilities for retarded children in this area. Friends of the Retarded Children has headquarters in Chicopee, Mass. They hope to build a summer home, nursery, care center and recreation facilities. Deadline to raise funds is this June. Cost is small compared with the benefits. Already the building committee has received free materials, equipment, services and cash to build. The public responded well to the fund raising drive. “A large number of tickets were made available to this…



MONTREAL, Que.-Much has been heard about Russia wanting to compete against top-callbre North American teams, particularly those In the NHL, but J. David Molson Is not convinced of the Reds’ sincerity. Molson, president of Canadiens and a Governor of the National Hockey League, unintentionally revealed at a press conference in Montreal that Russia had ignored communications aimed at setting up meetings to discuss the future of hockey on what might be termed a world basis. Molson stated that he had, during the past two months, twice written to Russian authorities offering to go to Moscow, personally, if necessary, to discuss hockey on a truly international level. His first communication was dated Dec. 5th, 1967 and addressed to Roman Kisselof, who was in charge of the USSR Ice Hockey Section. A copy of…