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December 18, 1965

December 18, 1965

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


NHL Point Race

(Including Games of Sun. Dec. 12) Penalties in Minutes by Clubs Goalkeepers’ Records…


Schmidt Says Bruins’ Defense “Getting Pushed Around”

BOSTON, Mass.— Coach Milt Schmidt wasn’t too happy with his Boston Bruins after another week of lickings. “Where do you go from here?” Schmidt was asked. “I don’t know,” he said dejectedly. “You know what our problem is? We haven’t got a defenseman on the ice other than Leo Boivin that anybody in this league respects. “The kids are trying, but they’re getting pushed into the corners. They’re inexperienced, and nobody in this league respects inexperience—they pick on it.” Schmidt said he thought Bruins were going to be in good shape this season “until those injuries hit.” Boivin, Al Langlois and Ted Green all went out with injuries, bombed by everyone.…


Did Sullivan Ask Too Much Of His Players?

NEW YORK, N.Y.— The hockey world and ex-Ranger coach Red Sullivan knows he was fired because he was paid to win and he didn’t. But why didn’t he? Unlike, recently-canned Knick coach Harry Gallatin, Sully was popular with most of his players; he worked hard at his job and he had plenty of pep. Perhaps Sully’s greatest failing was his own exuberance. Consciously or otherwise, he patterned himself after his own former coach, Phil Watson. And like Watson, he had a tendency to become too emotional for his own good. Like Watson, he expected his players to put out 110 per cent, just as he and Watson did as players. But not every hockey player is a Sullivan and as a result, he offended some of his men. A few observers believe Sully was…



(1) Gordie Howe is making headlines with his 600th goal of his career. In March, 1962, he was taking bows for his 500th goal. Name the team and goalie who were then his victims. (2) Clarence “Happy” Day was noted as an NHL star and later a very successful coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs. But he was known for yet another role in hockey. What was it? (3) “Bucko” McDonald and “Flash” Hollett both gained fame in the NHL. Yet they were top notch stars of another sport before they made the grade in hockey. Maybe a few old timers will re-call what it was. (4) At the end of the 1964-65 campaign two NHL clubs had fired the same number of goals—224—into enemy nets. Name the two teams who topped their…