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July 1, 1965

July 1, 1965

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



Says Two Divisions Would Weaken NHL Hockey News Editor: I would like to comment on the planned expansion of the N.H.L. and the Network TV contract in the U.S. that the League is trying to get. The two are interconnected but surely expansion from the present six team league to a 12 team two division would result in quite a drop in the standard of play that we have at present. Mr. Campbelll has even admitted this and his comment was to the effect that the fans would have to accept it—(like it or not.) I feel that the planned expansion should be to an eight or nine team league in One division and I agree with a recent letter to the Fan Forum that voiced the opinion that the expansion should include…


Gordie Howe Hockeyland



Thousands of different 8 × 10 glossy photos. Ideal for your bar, den or clubroom 5 for $3.00 Write for FREE new and enlarged illustrated catalog. Send 10¢ (stamps or coin) to cover postage and handling. ALL SPORTS PHOTOS Box 267-H Freeport, N.Y.…


Henry, Kelly, Stanley Among Big Name National Leaguers Left Off Protected Lists

MONTREAL, Que. Despite the fact the National Hockey League’s summer internal draft laid a giant-sized egg, some of hockey’s better known names were left unprotected and were available for the asking. Such familiar hockey figures as Camille Henry, Red Kelly, Allan Stanley, Billy Hicke, Tom Johnson, Dickie Moore, Don McKenney, and Andy Hebenton were thrown on the open market for the draft but there were no takers. Only McKenney, who was grabbed by Detroit Red Wings in a bold bid by the Toronto Maple Leafs to get him onto the Rochester list, was lifted from among the ‘name’ players in the draft in the minors. Other National Leaguers who were not on the protected lists of the teams at draft time were Wayne Hillman, Jim Mikol, Lou Angotti, Gerry Ehman, Noel Picard, Jacques…