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December 12, 1964
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
Shutouts Scarce As Adamson Posts Lone Zero
TOLEDO. O. International Hockey League goalies are finding shutouts hard to come by this season. In the first 46 games of the season only one whitewashing job had been accomplished. That was achieved by Fort Wayne goalie Chuck Adamson when he blanked Des Moines, 6-0, in only the second game of the season. Adamson played 70 games last season without a shutout, although he racked up two in the playoffs. Glenn Ramsay, Toledo’s All-Star goalie, topped the league last season with five shutouts but he had none in the Blades first 14 games this season. The league had played five overtime games in the first 46, three resulting in ties. Last season the league had 31 overtimes, with 11 ties. FORT WAYNE—A third crowd over the 7,000 mark (7,655) brought a total attendance for nine home…
Gordie Howe Hockeyland
Rangers Make No Cuts At Deadline
NEW YORK, N. Y. None of the “fringe” Rangers suffered when December 1st deadline arrived. Blue brass decided they would keep the extra man they’d been carrying. “We feel we owe it to the players,” GM Emile Francis explained. “There wasn’t a boy on our squad who hasn’t contributed something to our success this season. And we felt we’d be better off keeping a man around. As of December 1st, NHL clubs were permitted to dress 16 skaters and a goalie.…
Harris Sometimes ‘Too Cool’ For Canuck Coach Toe Blake
MONTREAL, P. Q.— Ted Harris has been called a very cool customer, for a rookie, and, when he was up for a four-game trial with Habs last season, Toe Blake remarked on this. “He doesn’t panic.” said Toe at the time. “He takes his man out pretty well, and doesn’t seem to get flustered.” What does Toe think, now, after having watched the defenseman for, roughly, one-third of the season? “He’s playing well,” says Blake, “and, he has overcome a few bad habits that he had. For instance, he was making his moves too soon, at the start of the season, and taking himself out of position. But. he’s over that, now.” What about his coolness? “Well,” laughed Toe, “I sometimes think he has a tendency to be too cool. What I mean is…