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November 28, 1964
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
Last-Minute Goaling Pick-up, Dufour Becomes Bears’ Star
HERSHEY, Pa.— Claude Dufour is like the man who came to dinner and stayed on as a permanent boarder. But for one, the Hershey Bears brass, not to mention Dufour’s teammates, are not about to order out their guest. He’s become an extremely valuable piece of property in the household. In fact, if the much-travelled 28-year-old goaltender maintains his present pace he could be the biggest headliner this season in the American League. Let’s go back briefly to September and training camp for the Dufour story. Dufour, Montreal Canadiens property, was sent to Hershey as a “fill in” goalie for practice purposes. Already on hand was the Bears’ standby of the past two years, capable little Andre Gill. Dufour was shipped in just so the club would have two goalies for practice. The chap…
Pulford Once Netted 28 Goals In 24 Junior Playoff Gaines
TORONTO, Ont. While Bob Pulford was with the Marlboros who. incidentally, won two consecutive Memorial Cup victories while he was in their lineup, he once collected 28 goals in 24 playoff games. “Thai’s an example of determination when the chips are donw,” says Turk Broda. “He got more goals in those playoffs than during the scheduled games. If he had a weakness as an amateur it was a lack of finesse, but that only comes with experience. I used to tell him he’d have to work even harder if he made it to the NHL and now that he’s there, he hasn’t stopped that constant digging. He was a tremendous penalty killer for my club and I’m glad the Leafs kept him at it.” Broda showed an amused sort of understanding at…
The Hockey News
THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded October 1st, 1947 Published weekly except monthly May through September by Ken-Will Publishing Co. Ltd., 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 2ft, Que. Kenneth William McKenzie, Will V. Cote, President and PublisherVice-Pres, and Gen. Mgr. Yearly Subscription Rates: $4.00 in Canada and the British Commonwealth $5.00 in the U.S.A, and Foreign Countries. Postage paid at Rouses Point, N.Y. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Printed in Canada. VOL. 18 MONTREAL, NOVEMBER 28, 1964 NO. 8…