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November 10, 1962

November 10, 1962

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Red Wings Four Away From Record

DETROIT, Mich.— The Detroit Red Wings are setting such a sizzling pace atop the National Hockey League that the figure filberts have been digging into the record books in an attempt to discover if the Motor City crew is nearing any sort of a record. The Wings, who have extended their getaway undefeated streak to 10 straight games, are only four away from tieing the existing NHL record of 14 set by the Montreal Canadiens’ great team in 1943-44 when the Canucks won 14 straight — 11 victories and three ties — before the Boston Bruins ended their run in the 15th game. If the Wings don’t win another game they have already executed the most glittering start of any Detroit team in history by winning eight and tieing two of their first…


“Rocket” Was First 50-Goal Scorer

CHICAGO, III.— Rocket Richard, first to turn the trick, scored his record 50 goals in his second full season in the NHL. Bernie Geoffrion was in his 10th full season and Bobby Hull in his fifth full year, when they tied The Rocket’s 50-goal mark. Detroit’s Gordie Howe, who has played 15 seasons in the NHL, came within one goal of tying the record when he scored 49 goals in the 1952-53 season. He had scored 47 and 43 goals in the two previous years. Next closest to the 50-goals plateau was Frank Mahovlich of Toronto Maple Leafs with 48 in the 1960-61 season.…



THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded October 1st, 1947 109 Published weekly, except monthly May through September by Ken-Will Publishing Co. Ltd., 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Ken McKenzie, President and Publisher Will V. Cote, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Yearly Subscription Rates : $3.00 In Canada and the British Commonwealth;$5.00 in the U.S.A. and Foreign Countries. Postage paid at Rouses Point, N.Y. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage In cash. Printed in Canada Vol. 16 MONTREAL, NOVEMBER 10, 1962 No. 6 • AREN’T THE Maritime players in the National Hockey League enjoying a great season so far ? … The two players from Sydney, Nova Scotia, Al MacNeil and Parker MacDonald have both been standouts thus far … MacNeil was the best defense-man on the ice when Chicago defeated…



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