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February 3, 1962

February 3, 1962

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



Reds Good And Bad Including the game of Friday, January 19, the Providence Reds had the distinction of having gained the most points in the standings at home, and were tied for the least gathered on the road. Providence had registered 33 points in 20 gams on their own ice surface, and eight in 20 games away. Hornets Try Amateurs The Pittsburgh Hornets gave two amateur players tryouts last week. They called up Bill Collins from Whitby and young Nick Harbaruk of the Toronto Marboro Junior club. Whitby is a senior team. How The Race Goes (Standings On Tues. AM. Jan. 30) Eastern Division Western Division The Point Parade (Including games of Sun., Jan. 28) Goalkeepers’ Records Penalty Leaders Most Penalized Player—John McKenzie. 125 minutes. Most Penalized Team—Providence, 752 minutes. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 Hershey 4 at Quebec 5 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 Providence 1 at Buffalo…



LEFT WING (DEFENSIVELY) Stick to your wing! That’s a cardinal rule when playing defensively on left wing. Even if your check cuts over to his other side or rushes down the centre, stay put. If you leave the lane, going back in a checking or covering role, you open it up. Then you’re in trouble. For example, an enemy defenseman on the move down ice can cut over into your wing and he has nothing but wide open spaces as he cuts in on your defense. There is one exception to the rule. If you’re on a “shadow” assignment, such as are often handed out when you play Detroit and Gordie Howe or when teams had to check Maurice (Rocket) Richard. Then you skate with him wherever he goes; escort him to the bench on changes.…


Lack Pep, Says Harvey Of His Soured Rangers

NEW YORK. N.Y— Dean Prentice sat in his “office”,—a three—foot hunk of bench next to the trainer’s room—and fumbled with a question. “What does a ball player do when he hits a slump?” said Dean. Similar thoughts must have been tugging the mind fibres of Ken Schinkel, Guy Gendron, and Ted Hampson, but Deano was talking. “A ball player hits up the middle,” somebody prescribed for Prentice. Dean shrugged. “That’s fine for ball players. But how in heck am I goin’ to hit up the middle?” No answer was necessary. Prentice, an accomplished left wing, had slipped into the inevitable slump and the Rangers had slipped with him. Some Rangers, in fact, have been slipping for months. “We just don’t seem to have any pep,” admitted player-coach Doug Harvey after Ranger’s third place lead over Detroit and Chicago…



• PLAYING center on a line with Willie O’Ree and Earl Johnson for the Los Angeles Blades is Doug Bentley…That’s right, the one and only…At the age of 45 Doug Bentley is the oldest player in professional hockey and the one-time scoring whiz of the Chicago Black Hawks is making a comeback after being out of hockey for a number of years…He has played very well for the Blades in games to date and is still as colorful and crowd-appealing as ever…Doug is just 10 pounds over the 145 he weighed in 1944 when he led the N.H.L. point parade with 77 and was left wing on the All-Star Team…Bentley is justifiably proud of his pink-hued condition…“Chalk it up to calisthenics. I’ve done 15 minutes of exercising every morning of…