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January 6, 1962
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
The Hockey News
THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded October 1st, 1947 35 Published Weekly, except monthly May through September by Ken-Will Publishing Co. Ltd. 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Ken McKenxie, President and Publisher Will V. Cote, Vice-Pres.& Gen. Mgr. Len Bramson, Editor-in-Chief Yearly Subscription Rates: $3.00 in Canada and the British Commonwealth; $4.00 in the U.S.A, and Foreign Countries Postage paid at Rouses Point, N.Y. Authorized as second-class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa Printed in Canada VOL. 15 JANUARY 6, 1962 No. 14…
Thousands of different 8 × 10 glossy photos. Ideal for your bar, den or clubroom. 5 for $3.00 Write for FREE new and enlarged illustrated catalog. Send 10 (stamps or coin) to cover postage and handling. ALL SPORTS PHOTOS Box 267-H Freeport, N.Y.…
Rook Rearguard Of 1960 Grabs Barons Headlines As Scoring Right Winger
CLEVELAND, O.— Cleveland’s top rookie in 196061 was a strapping young 22-year-old 185-pound defenseman named Jim Mikol. The Barons’ best rookie winger in 1961-62 is a strapping young 23-year-old 185-pounder named Jim Mikol. It’s the same Mikol, playing the same fine brand of hockey, but in a new position. The youngster, picked up by the Barons after playing with the Peterborough Juniors in 1957, has had only one full year as a pro. But in that season, last-year, he captured the fancy of Cleveland fans, was a much sought after player by National Hockey League clubs and established a fine record as Cleveland’s outstanding new star. Playing in all 70 games of the 1960-61 schedule, Mikol pounded home 12 goals and added 22 assists for a 34-point total. So outstanding was he at a defense position…
Red Wings Flop Everytime They Near 3rd Place
DETROIT, Mich.— The Red Wings were hit by the holiday bug…the humbug. After playing like champions for 2½ weeks, the Wings reversed themselves and were nearly sunburned by the goal light flashing behind them. From an average yield of only 1.37 goals pergame for eight games, the Wings bloated to a 5.5 average yield in four games—all defeats. “The funny thing,” said Sid Abel, who really didn’t think it humorous, “is that we didn’t play that badly. “It sounds like sour grapes to talk about missed chances in games that you lose by 6-1 and 6-4 scores but that’s what’s been happening. “Then the defense lapses and bang! You’re out of the game.” Any hope that the Wings had of making third place…for the present at any rate…vanished during the holidays. Doug Harvey, acting like Merlin, shook up…