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April 2, 1960
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Bruins Eyeing Young Crop To Carry Load In 1960-61
BOSTON, Mass.— They laughed this season as Dick Meissner of the Bruins bustled around National Hockey League rinks with his head down. But Lynn Patrick, Bruins’ manager, predicts he’ll be doing the laughing next season, with Meissner playing regularly. The Bruins’ season may have had an unpleasant ending with the team’s failure to make the Stanley Cup playoffs for the second time in the 10 years of Patrick’s administration. But the late-season showings of young players took some of the curse off the failure. The younger fellows finished so strongly I’m figuring on some of them as key men for next season,’’ revealed Patrick as he prepared to leave on a springtime scouting trip. “One young fellow who has convinced me he’s a major league right wing is Meissner. For a boy without previous professional…
Lynn Puts Chips On Gamble As Favorite In Goal Stakes
Red Faced Scribes Forgot Red Wings’ Drive In HN Poll
DETROIT, Mich,— Away back in the Oct. 17, 1959 issue of Hockey News, 18 experts made their annual predictions on the outcome of the National Hockey League race. Only three Detroit-area writers had any faith in the Red Wings—Lew Walter of the Detroit Times, Matt Dennis of the Windsor Star and Marshall Dann of the Detroit Free Press. All three gentlemen picked the Wings to finish fourth. Those were the only playoff votes cast for Detroit, a club that finished a sorry last the year before. The 15 other seers saw the Wings either in fifth—seven votes—or last, eight votes. And of all the predictors, Dann came the closest to the final standing. He picked the four playoff teams in perfect order—Montreal, Toronto, Chicago and Detroit—but placed New York fifth instead of sixth and had…