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January 2, 1960
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.

SOLUTION NEXT WEEK ACROSS 1—Pictured Boston rookie prospect. 5—Name given Smith, former N.H.L. referee. 7—One of Maurice Richard’s sons. 9—One of the Providence Reds. 12—Ells English (abbr.) 13—Earl Reibel’s birthplace. 16—Initials of LaBine of Boston. 17—How game between Montreal and Detroit ended on Dec. 6. 19—Pronoun. 21—Canadiens’ Ken Reardon can do this. 23—Initials of Riopelle, ex Canadian forward. · 24—Number worn by Tom Johnson. 25—Month in which Danny Lewicki was born (abbr.) 26—Los Angeles (abbr.) 27—Former Toronto captain. 29—Name given 9 across. 31—One of the Black Hawks. 33—Initials of “Scotty” Morrison, ex N.H.L. referee. 34—Mrs. Ted Hampson. 36—Number of games Larry Popein missed last season. 37—Name given goal scoring immortal, Stewart. DOWN 1—This Calgary player was recently suspended. 2—Where Detroit finished at the end of the 1918-59 schedule. 3—20th & 1st letters of the alphabet. 4—An injury to one has sidelined Leafs’ Bert Olmstead. 5—Initials of Winnipeg’s goalie. 6—Germanium. (Sym.) 8—Former hockeyist, Phil Samis, is now one. 10—Floyd Curry sold this…

Al Parsley
ON THE SIDELINES • A QUORUM ISN’T NEEDED IN THE FORUM’S PRESS GALLERY to get a couple of Eastern Pro Leaguers talking about their own shop. In the heat of a big league hockey struggle, or at least between periods they are comparing notes or exchanging chaff. It was in the “Kaffee Klatch” at one end of the choir loft the other night. Del Dugre, GM Trois-Rivieres Lions, was in town despite the fact the Lions were engaged at Kingston. They had got through early and Dugre was announcing to all within tuning range that Lions had lambasted Frontenacs 4-2 and so had pulled up alongside Royals in the standing. Royals had shot temporarily head by putting a muffler on the Wolves growl the night before up in Sudbury. Dugre took keen delight…

(On Tues. AM. Dec. 26)…

Pike Schedules More Ice Time For Cullen In 2nd Half Of Year
NEW YORK, N.Y.— Can’t blame Brian Cullen for being bitter. When the Rangers relieved themselves of $20,000 for the 25-year-old center last Fall you heard all kinds of stories about how Brian would pivot for Andy Bathgate and Dean Prentice and what a line that would be. You heard that he was the answer To the Blueshirts’ center ice prayers, that he’s heady, hustles, and doesn’t drink or smoke. Brian, a studious, warm chap who speaks rapidly, heard ‘em too. And, maybe that’s why he’s been wondering why he and the Blue-shirt bench have become close friends in the last months. Brian has a conviction that he’s good enough to play a regular turn with the Rangers. When the Rangers unshackled him from Toronto he figured it was the break of his career. Somewhere along the…