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April 18, 1959

April 18, 1959

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Hab Farm Produces Another All-Hab Eastern Canada Junior Final Series

GUELPH, Ont.— Hockey pundits contemplating a decline in the fortunes of the Montreal Canadiens, as age and injuries are making some inroads in the ranks of the Habs super stars, would be wise to take a look at the Eastern Canada Junior final before predicting the end of Canadiens domination of the NHL. It’s from junior ranks that the stars of tomorrow are conscripted and this year’s Eastern final has not one but two Canadien farm clubs as the contestants. In fact Sam Pollock, director of farm operations for Montreal, may have to suspend himself directly above centre ice in order to maintain strict neutrality in the series that pits the Ottawa-Hull Junior Canadiens against Peterborough TPT’s of the OHA. Ottawa-Hull’s appearance in the final was a foregone conclusion although they’ went…


Couldn’t Chase Us Out Of Rink If They Tried — Blake

MONTREAL, Que. — The Chicago Black Hawks never did scare Toe Blake and his Montreal Canadiens, even though they tried to run them out of the rink in their semi-final series. Blake made one statement on Hawks rough play, and he never made another. After the first game in Chicago he said: “We’re not going to be chased out of the rink, no matter what Pilous thinks. This is my fourth season in coaching the Canadiens and we have met rough teams before in Stanley Cup play. We can handle them all right.”…


Barons Turn To Old Tricks To Get At Bears—Play It Rough And Tough

CLEVELAND, O.— When it came down to the “back-to-the-wall” situation, the Cleveland Barons quickly discarded their cumbersome attempts at good manners and rocked the house with their thundering checks. It happened at little Hershey, Pa. the night of Saturday, April 4. Before a standing-room only audience of 7,534 the Barons stormed out against the Bears, who held a two-to-one series edge in their semi-final Calder Cup round. Another triumph for Hershey would have forced the Barons into a grave hole, compelling them to win three straight to come out with the series victory. This the Cleveland musclemen refused to permit the Bears to do. Cleveland won it 2-0 to deadlock the series. It was the key game for the Barons. But to stop. Hershey’s bristling attack, the Barons reverted to what comes most naturally to them…


Al Parsley

ON THE SIDELINES ● THEY MADE IT a big night when the sixth game of the best-of-nine set for the Thomas O’Connell Memorial Trophy was staged at Three Rivers, April 8. To cap the celebrations the home forces ran off with a 5-3 victory over Montreal’s high-geared Royals to square the series at 3-3 in games. General-manager Jacques Toupin, who modestly refrains from taking well-deserved bows himself, had arranged a few entre-acte features for the general-delight of the fans. And French Canadian customers in the smaller hockey centers are no different from those in other parts of Canada. They hugely enjoy anything in the way of a divertissement from the run-of-the-mill event. Between the second and third Stanzas, presentations to three popular local hockey heroes were made. Playing coach Gerry Desaulniers was tendered…