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August 1, 1958
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
During The Long Hot Summer KEEP UP WITH
The Hockey News THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY THE HOCKEY NEWS features plenty of lengthy profiles on players in the summer issues and oodles of candid pictures showing that favourite puck star of yours in such poses as playing baseball, on the golf links, milking cows, pitching hay, running the store, and countless others. We at THE HOCKEY NEWS do our utmost to see that you don’t lose track of your favorite players during those five months that THE HOCKEY NEWS suspends weekly publication (May to September). A year’s subscription is for 35 consecutive issues. Canadian Remittances — $3.00 Payable by Postal Bank or Telegraph Money Order. U. S. A. Remittances — $4.00 Payable by Postal Bank or Express Money Order.…
Little, Big Players
OHA-NOHA Senior Future Very Dismal
Eastern Section Strong For Coming ’58-’59 Year Salary Limits Installed: No Player To Receive A Pay Of More Than $125 STRATFORD, Ont. — Shunned a few years ago by the western Ontario group of the senior “A” Ontario Hockey Association, when he applied for admission for his Belleville senior “B” champions, Wren Blair, manager of the Whitby Dunnies world champions, could be chortling today, and if lie does snicker a bit, he probably would be justified. Refused admittance into the Western senior “A” group, because it was deemed that he did not have strong enough team to provide decent competition. Blair went out and assembled a better one, and then induced other senior “B” clubs in eastern Ontario to organize a senior “A” group of their own, and immediately Belleville, Kingston and Cornwall fell…
Watson Opens Hockey Circus
Of The Montreal Star FOUR years ago, a wide-eyed newcomer to the electric atmosphere of a losers’ dressing room made the unpardonable sin of showing the whites of his teeth to Rangers coach Phil Watson. The reaction was swift: “Who the blankety-blank is this blankety-blank stranger.” he screeched at no one in particular. “Get the blankety-blank bum out of here?” Still wide-eyed, it is now safe to report, that Watson has mellowed. The heady wine of success has removed some of the purple from his language. “And how the blankety are you?” he roared over the telephone yesterday. “Me too,” he added, without waiting for a reply. He’s a man in a hurry. “Are you guys stealing anybody else these days?” Watson, it seems, still is infused with the idea that the remainder of the…