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November 30, 1957

November 30, 1957

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



Fifteen goals were scored in a single QHL contest at Quebec on Tues., Nov. 19. The Aces edged the Cats 8-7 in overtime. Goaliender Charlie Hodge of the Montreal Royals recorded the only shutout during the past week in the QHL. A 4-0 job over the Shawinigan Falls Cataracts. How The Race Goes (Including Games of Sun., Nov. 24) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Shawinigan 7 at Quebee 8 Shawinigan Falls — Goal: Johnson; defense: Amadio, Hodgson, Taillefer, Shero, Labrosse; forwards: Desaulniers, Wray, Laforge, Bouchard, Mekikok, Denis, Bell, Faulkner, Attwell. Quebee — Goal: Dufour; defence: Cherry, Crozier, Lamirande, Dzurko, Picard: forwards: Hayden, Teal, Labadie, O’Ree, Sabourin, Gagnon, Cossette, Maxwell, Sleaver. First Period Second Period Third Period Overtime Period WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Shawinigan 4 at Three Rivers 3 Shawinigan Falls — Goal: Johnston; defense: Amadio, Hodgson, Labrosse. Fleming. Shero, Taillefer; forwards: Desaulniers, Wray, Laforge, Bouchard.…


Al Parsley

On The Sidelines SHAWINIGAN FALLS, Que. — A trip up here with the Montreal Royals gives a fellow a chance to renew touches with old friends. The management is hospitable, with Arthur Lacoursiere, Joe Tremblay and the other directors of the club bounteous hosts. They have a gallery-like room behind the first tier of seats, what would be called the amphi-theatre in more pretentious rinks. This gallery is enclosed and fronted with glass. Perhaps the directors of another era got the idea from the well-appointed Shawinigan Falls Curling Club a couple of blocks up the street. This directors’ room is used for entertaining. Suitable potables are offered to visitors who care to indulge, which makes it a natural rendez-vous for scribes who travel with the other QHI teams. Earl Sharpe, publicist for the Quebec…


NOHA Puck Parade

THE MYSTERY DIVE … one of the most surprising developments in NOHA Senior “A” hockey in the past decade is the sudden and complete collapse of the Sudbury Wolves … here’s a team always considered a powerhouse, hailing from Northern Ontario’s biggest centre with the biggest arena and with the biggest support … at the start of the newly-formed Big Six NOHA-OHA, the Wolves under their new coach Vic Lynn were rated strong contenders … but after 14 games the Wolves owned only three wins, absorbed a whopping 11 defeats and tied once alarm spread throughout the rich Nickel Belt and soon reached all corners of the circuit… attendance started to drop and the Arena Commission reminded the Sudbury Wolves Hockey Club of its promise to ice a strong contender…


Harris And Sloan Score Consistently For Leafs

TORONTO, Ont. — Slink and Hink are stealing the ink in Toronto newspapers these days. Climbing into the top ten among National Hockey League scorers at the middle of November, Slinker — as Tod Sloan is known to his playmates — and Hinky — alias Billy Harris — fired 14 goals in 12 games with a Toronto Maple Leaf line that is still not completely set. To start the surge, the dapper little Sloan shed his short sticks and his reputation with Leafs management as a puck-hog. He adopted longer shillelaghs to level his shots and at the same time indicated a willingness to make plays to Harris for goals. Hinky, meanwhile, found in Slinker a partner who could capitalize on the centre’s own playmaking skills, which had hitherto been wasted on other…