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January 12, 1957
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
N. Defelice Replaces Ailing Mayer
HERSHEY, Pa.— Norm Defelice, who stepped into Terry Sawchuk’s big boots with the Boston Bruins and covered himself with glory, returned to Hershey in time to replace Gil Mayer, the Bears’ regular goaltender, and continued his sensational goal tending. Little Norm rejoined his old team mates in time to help them snap a slump which saw them drop five out of seven contests and drop from a first place tie with Providence to fourth place in the AHL standings. Mayer suffered a painful knee injury several weeks before, but remained at his post because Defelice had been summoned to Boston to fill in for the ailing Sawchuk. Fortunately for the Bears, Mayer’s knee held out until Defelice rejoined the club. Norm showed his mettle by stopping two clubs which had previously held the upper…
4-Pronged Drive Paying Dividends For Red Wings
DETROIT, Mich.— Jimmy Skinner’s test run with four forward lines has advanced beyond the experimental stage. The four-pronged attack now is a standard part of the Detroit Red Wing offense. Some weaknesses in his plan for rotating four lines have been uncovered. But Skinner believes that the advantages have been even greater and intends to continue just as long as his manpower situation permits. The biggest payoff was in the form of series of third-period explosions. In stretch of three games, the Wings got 12 of their 16 goals in the final stanza. Skinner insisted that such late drives apparently were due to his forces being fresher at the end than rivals working with three lines. Skinner also has enjoyed watching how opposing coaches attempt to assign checking lines. If they change units every time…
Chicks Lose Stan Smrke For Month
CHICOVTIMI — The Sagueneens stock took a sudden drop in the hockey course here this week with the shocking news that Stan Smrke would be lost to the Chicks in their QHL battles for four to six weeks. The strong skating, fast-shooting left-winger and member of the famed Smrke brother act with right winger Lou. recently underwent surgery for a crippling knee injury. The knee was damaged in a collision with Jean Paul Lamirande. Quebec Aces’ hard rock of the back division in a game played on December 30. Medicos orders are for Stam Smrke to remain in hospital, his leg completely immobile for three weeks. Upon discharge from the infirmary he’ll be sent to Mont real for special treatments by the Montreal Forum’s outstanding physio-therapist Bill Head, a specialist in renovating…
Chiefs Lead Hot Battle For 2nd Spot
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.— Once again, Indianapolis has the inside track in die torrid four-way battle for second place in the International Hockey League. There isn’t much to choose between the Chiefs, Toledo, Ft. Wayne and Huntington, however, as they continue their seemingly futile chase of the front-running Cincinnati Mohawks. To be exact, four points separate the runner-up Hoosiers from the fifth-place Hornets of Huntington, who moved into playoff contention with, a week-and sweep over Toledo and In dianapolis. Indianapolis, which frails Cincinnati by eight and a half games, has 2 6 points, Toledo and Ft. Wayne both have 24 and Huntington is fifth with 22. You can’t even count out last-place Troy, which has shown signs of life lately and brings up the rear with 15 points. One of the main reasons for the resurgence of…