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December 18, 1954

December 18, 1954

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


“Triples” Few And Far Between This Year

MONTREAL, Que.— Hat-tricks in the National Hockey League have been few and far between this year. Red Kelly, Detroit’s rushing defenseman, scored the first “triple” of his NHL career on October 21 against the Boston Bruins as the Wings won that one, 5-3 at Detroit. Then on November 28, Leo LaBine the fiery winger of the Bruins, fired the second “triple” of the season by scering three goals against the Detroit Red Wings as the Bruins took that one, 6-2. Incidentally, LaBine set a record that night, picking up five points in a single period. He had an assist on Boston’s first goal for a six-point night. The third hat-trick of the season was scored by Toronto’s Ronnie Stewart against the Montreal Canadiens on December 8. Stewart scored all Toronto goals as the Leafs…



Intersectional Vancouver lost all three frames played on the Prairies the past week leaving the intersectional games nearly evenly divided. The Coast Clubs hold a slight advantage in winning 15, losing 13 and tieing 5 of the 33 games played. Fast Goal Steve Witiuk of Calgary scored 2 goal in 8 seconds after the start of the game in Calgary last Wednesday night against Saskatoon to tie the league record for the fastest opening game goal set by Andy Chakowski of Vancouver against Portland in 1949. HOW THE RACE GOES STANDING ON MON. A.M., DEC. 6 RESULTS Tuesday, November 30th Victoria 3 at Vancouver 3; Calgary 6 at Saskatoon 3. Wednesday, December 1st New West. 2 at Victoria 9; Saskatoon 3 at Calgary 5. Thursday, December 2nd Vancouver 2 at Edmonton 3. Friday, December 3rd New West. 3 at Victoria 2; Vancouver 3 at…



(Montreal Herald) • THERE’S no hurry about restoring Jacques Plante to regular duty in the nets with NHL Canadiens Frank Selke, generalissimo of hockey operations at the Forum, said recently. The tall poker-faced net guardian who suffered a fractued cheek-bone during a pregarne warm-up more than a month ago is to be given ample time to recuperate from his injury and at the same time gain full mental poise so that he’ll approach the nerve-wracking goaltending chores refreshed both physically and in spirit. Selke also negated the popular idea that Plante might be rehabiliated by a tour with the Royals. “Plante has proven himself a big leaguer, and when he starts back to work it will be with the big league club”, Selke said. “There are two reasons why I want it no other way: “First:…



Founded October 1st 1947 Published Weekly, except monthly May through September by Ken-Will Publishing Co. Ltd 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West Montreal 25, Que. Yearly Subscription Rates: $3.00 in Canada and the British Empire: $4.00 in the U.S.A, and Foreign Countries. Entered as second-class matter, October 3, 1903, at the Post Office at Rouses Point, N.Y., under the Act of March 3rd. 1879 Authorized as second-class mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Printed in Canada…