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April 24, 1954

April 24, 1954

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Daring Dick Denies Stewart’s Statement

MONTREAL, Que.— • “NOBODY IN AUTHORITY on the Canadien hockey club ever thought of such a thing as directing players not to shake hands if they were beaten” said coach Dick Irvin today. “And for a very good reason. Being beaten is the thing we never thonk is going to happen to us. We have no such complexes. Our team doesn’t arrange for what it’s going to do if beaten, because we don’t figure on being beaten. We’re not that kind of a club. We make plans only for winning.” Irwin was answering, in a way, a pop-off by Gaye Stewart made at the Red Wing Cup celebration. Stewart, who came up to Canadiens after Buffalo was eliminated from the AHL playoffs, was quoted as saying “higher-ups” on the Canadian club had…


Red Wing Dressing Room Bedlam Following Game

DETROIT, Mich.— Detroit Red Wings’ dressing room was a bedlam following their 2-1 victory over the Montreal Canadiens in the seventh and final game of the 1953-54 Stanley Cup finals. Everyone rushed around congratulating everyone else but the centre of attraction was little Tony Leswick, who scored the winning goal at 4.29 of the first overtime period. Tony stood in the dressing room, surrounded by wellwishers, reporters, photographers and teammates. Captain Ted Lindsay came rushing over, grabbed hold of the little winger and kissed him twice. “You little toad,” said the fiery Red Wing captain. Everyone was talking and shouting and Leswick, man of the hour in Detroit, could hardly get a word in edgewise except to acknowledge the many congratulations he received. Terry Sawchuk, who performed so brilliantly in the Red Wing goals, also came in…



Founded October 1st, 1947 By Kenneth W. McKenzie and Will V. Cote Published Weekly, except monthly May through September by HOCKEY NEWS COMPANY 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West. Montreal 25, Que. Yearly Subscription Rates: $3.00 in Canada and the British Empire; $4.00 in the U.S.A. and Foreign Countries. Entered as second-class matter, October 3, 1953 at the Post Office at Rouses Point, N.Y., under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations Printed in Canada VOL. 7 MONTREAL, APRIL 24, 1954 No. 30…


Dugger McNeil Will Coach Halifax Again In 1954-55

HALIFAX, N.S.— The players have gone home to rest their weary bones and the backers of the four teams in the Maritime Major Hockey League are counting the costs and thinking of next season. Halifax Atlantics and Sydney Millionaires, who finished one-two over the regular schedule and clashed in the playoff final, did better than Glace Bay Miners and Charlottetown Islanders at the gate. At that both the A’s and the Mills had losses to count, said to be in the vicinity of $5, 000 apiece. Glace Bay and Charlottetown, who went through a large number of players and had many poor gates, didn’t do as well. And the time has come for some finger pointing. Both, the Cape Breton clubs say it is financial suicide to operate in a league with the Islanders.…