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November 21, 1953

November 21, 1953

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Marcotte Back In QAHA Laps

MONTREAL, Que.— Jacques Marcotte, the most wanted goal-keeper in the Quebee Junior Hockey League, still poses something of a problem to the Quebec Amateur Hockey Association. Technically the property of Quebec Frontenacs … and avowedly a possession of Quebee Citadelles, Marcotte has been bounced back and forth like an iced puck. Last week his case ended in court, where the Frontenacs attempted to obtain an injunction preventing the Citadelles from reclaiming him. He played for them last year. The injunction was refused, thus tossing the ball … or rather, the puck, right back into the QAHA laps. The QAHA had threatened to suspend the Fronts if they continued to use the goalie. Earlier tire QAHA had granted Marcotte his release from the Cits and allowed him to sign with the Fronts. However, the CAHA…



THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded Octobet 1, 1947 By Kenneth W. McKenzie ond Will. V. Cote Published Weekly, except monthly Moy through September by HOCKEY NEWS COMPANY 301 Empire Life Building 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Yearly Subscription Rates $3.00 in Canada and the British Empire; S4.00 in the U.S.A, and Foreign Countries. Entered as seeond-class matter. October 3, 1953 at the Post Office at Bouses Point, N.Y., under the Act of March 3rd. 1879. Authorized as second-class mail. Poet Office Department, Ottawa. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations Printed in Canada VOL. 7 MONTREAL. NOVEMBER 21. 1953 No. 8 • AL ROLLINS, Chicago Black Hawks’ outstanding goaltender who is seeing so much rubber these nights, recently turned to an NHL referee during the midst of a game and yelled: “Hey, blow the whistle, I’m…



Born Kincardine, Ont., October 23, 1930. Center Shoots left. 5’11”, 160lbs. last amateur club: Windsor Spitifires(Juniors).…


Trading Post Had Nothing On This! Westerners Juggle Six In One Day

VANCOUVER, BC— Western Hockey League clubs had their busiest day of the season November 4 with no less than six players changing teams. The biggest jump was made by Ivan Irwin, 2 6-year-old defenceman of the Vancouver Canucks. He was recalled by, the parent New York Rangers. In his last game before leaving for the east, Irwin scored his first point of ths season, beating Chuck Rayner w|th the winning goal in a 2-1 victory for Canucks over Saskatoon Quakers. Replacing Irwin will be Allan Stanley, ex-captain of the Rangers who received an unmerciful booing every time he stepped on the ice at Madison Square Gardens. Harry Dick Signed Twelve hours after the acquisition of Stanley, the Canucks announced they had sent defenceman Louis Fontinato to the Quakers for the remainder of the season. To…