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November 14, 1953
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.

Patrick Pleased as Punch At Bruins Success, Especially Determination Shown On The Road
BOSTON, Mass.— The Boston Bruins have been developing steadily for the last three years, but this season they’re breaking out in a new diriection. Now they’re shaping up as a team which can win on the road as well as at home. Lynn Patrick, the Bruins’ coach, has always had a private formula for hockey success, one wYiich he has broached many times. “Most teams can win more or less consistently at home,” maintains Patrick. “The team with the edge is the one which can gain a split or better in points for road games.” Patrick has cited the Detroit Red Wings as classic illustrations of his point ever since he has been here, but this season he may be able to include his Bruins in the same general category. Late last month they performed the…

We have received a goodly number of letters concerning crossword puzzles in the past few weeks, some for them and some against them. The former group make the point that they are enjoyable and entertaining while the latter group say that they only take up space that might well be used to publicize one of the minor leagues. As has always been our policy, we are putting it right up to you, the fans, to whom this newspaper has always been dedicated. Do you want the crosswords? If you have any views on the subject, either pro or con, please write in to the Fan Forum and let us know. Remember, the majority vote will decide. So get those letters in.…

Red Sullivan Knocks ’Em In At Great Clip
HERSHEY, Pa.— Picking up where he left off last season before he was called up by the Boston Bruins, George “Red” Sullivan, Hershey centre ice man, is off to another fast start in the American Hockey League individual point derby. The energetic redhead, whose play-making ability paced the Bears in their rise from the league cellar to fourth place, baggei seven goals and collected ten assists in the first ten games for a total of 17 points. A year ago, while centering for Dunc Fisher and Lome Ferguson, Sully racked up 10 goals and 40 assists in 36 games. He spread-eagled the AHL field and was so far out in front at one time that it was three weeks after he was air-lifted to Boston before Eddie Olson, of Cleveland, passed his total.…

Sask. Senior League
NOVEMBER 17—Regina at Moose Jaw. 18—Moose Jaw at Regina. 21—Regina at Moose Jaw. Yorkton at Melville. 25—Melville at Regina. Yorkton at MooAe Jaw. 26—Moose Jaw at Melville. 28—Melville at Yorkton. 30—Yorkton at Moose Jaw. DECEMBER 1—Regina at Melville. Moose Jaw at Yorkton. 3—Yorkton at Regina. 5—Melville at Yorkton. 7—Moose Jaw at Regina. 8—Moose Jaw at Melville. Regina at Yorkton. 9—Melville at Regina. Yorkton at MoQse Jaw. 11—Regina at Melville. 12—Regina at Moose Jaw. Melville at Yorkton. 15—Moose Jaw at Melville. 16—Yorkton at Regina. Melville at Moose Jaw. 18—Regina at Yorkton. 19—Regina at Moose Jaw. Yorkton at Melville. 21—Melville at Regina. Yorkton at Moose Jaw. 23—Regina at Melville. 25—Regina at Moose Jaw. Yorkton at Melville. 26—Melville at Yorkton. Moose Jaw at Regina. 29—Moose Jaw at Yorkton. 30—Melville at Moose Jaw. Yorkton at Regina. JANUARY 1—Yorkton at Melville. Regina at Moose Jaw. 2—Regina at Yorkton. 4—Melville at Regina. 5—Regina at Melville. 6—Yorkton at Regina. Melville at Moose Jaw. 8—Melville at Yorkton. 9—Regina at Melville. 11—Moose Jaw at…