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December 13, 1952
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
Tobin Launches Drive for Overtime When Chi Draws Three in A Row
CHICAGO, Ill— Tie games were accepted with a bow of gratitude by last season’s wallowing Chicago Black Hawks, who were more than glad to get anything unlike a defeat. The 1952-53 revised edition of the club, however, striving to increase its NHL lead, was noticeably disturbed a couple of weeks ago when hit by a string of three straight deadlocks. There were mingled growls of “Bring back overtime” and “We could have licked ‘em in another 10 minutes” In the dressing rooms after each of the draw decisions. A tie game gives a hockey player a feeling of futile frustration that never accompanies a win or a loss and it’s a sensation that is seldom enjoyed. Hawk General Manager Bill Tobin did not hesitate in expressing his opinion on the problem. “I’m definitely…
The Hockey News
Published Weekly, except monthly May through September. HOCKEY NEWS COMPANY. 309 Empire Life Building 1434 Ste-Catherine St. West, Montreal, Que. Canada. Entered as second class Matter December 6, 1951, at the Post Office in Ogdensburg, N. Y. under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3.00 in Canada, $4.00…
TV Road Games Dear Sirs, I think your paper Is the greatest sports publication in the world. It’s probably the reason that hockey Is the international sport that it is. I live about 25 miles south of Cleveland and I am a great Baron fan. In your recent issue pou had an article about Winnipeg’s pee wee hockey program. Cleveland has started pee wee and junior hockey too. But outside of Cleveland, hockey is non-existent in Ohio. I am 16 years old and have been playing hockey since I can remember. There are other kids around where I live that would give a lot to be able to play pee wee or junior hockey. I think a few great American-born hockey players would bring attendance up in cities like New York and Chicago. How…
Reg Misses Chance
MONTREAL—Reg Abbott arrived in Montreal at three o’clock in the morning on the day of his first NHL game with the Canadiens. The Habs lost to the Toronto Maple Leafs 2-1 but Abbott showed pretty well. He was pivoting Paul Meger on left wing and Boom Boom Geoffrion on right wing. He centered them at training camp this season. Reg played well and had one good scoring opportunity in the game. Meger shot at Lum and the rebound came out to Abbott in front of the net. With nobody within ten feet of him Reg blasted his shot into Lumley’s pads. “You don’t get too many of those kind of chances in this League,” said Reg after the game. “You gotta make the most of them when you do.”…