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October 20, 1951

October 20, 1951

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded.October 1, 1947 Published by Kenneth W. McKenzie and Will. V. Cote HOCKEY NEWS COMPANY Circulation Room 204, King’s Hall Bldg., 1231 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Advertising & Editorial 403A Sun Life Bldg., 1155 Metcalfe St., Montreal 2, Que. Average Weekly Circulation 35,000 Yearly Subscription Price $3.00 in Canada — $4.00 In U.S.A. Authorized no second class mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Entered as second class mall at the Post Office in Buffalo, N.Y., and Saint Albans, Vt. Return all U.S. undeliverable copies under Form 3579 to the Hockey News Company, Room S04, King’s Hall Bldg., 1231 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal S5, Que. Printed in Canada Vol.5 October 20, 1951 No. 3 Best news of the still-young season is the word from the National Hockey League Referee-in-Chief, Carl Voss, that the…


Playing Coaches Getting Scarce In PCHL—2 Left

VICTORIA, B.C.— There was a time not so many years ago when the Pacific Coast I eague boasted practically a playing-coach for every club in the league. Today that is not so with the bench coach far outnumbering the hard-working double duty player coach. Last season the league had. a 50-50 split, this season, to start with at any rate, there are only two playing mentors on the eight clubs. They are sophomore Roger Leger of Victoria and freshman John “Jake” Forbes of New Westminster. Murray “Muzz” Patrick of Tacoma and Tony Hemmerling ot Seattle are both manager-coaches along with Frank Currie at Edmonton. Bill Cook, Saskatoon; Tommy Anderson, Calgary; and Murph Chamberlain, Vancouver; all former NHL stars of another era do their masterminding from the bench. This might very easily be…


The Hockey News



Lund Refused To Sing With Cleveland Barons

STRATFORD — The failure of the Cleveland Barons to meet Pentti Lund’s terms got him traded to the Boston Bruins. Lund reported to the Barons’ training camp at Stratford and spent two weeks there but the Cleveland management was unable to sign him, and as they already had their club well set they felt they could let him go without hurting the team. Jim Hendy, General Manager of the Barons stated that he did not want delivery on any players from the Bruins at the present time as it would mean farming out two regulars from his club. Therefore he elected to take delivery at the end of the season. The Barons have the choice of two of three piayers presently in the Bruin organization. Pentti was delighted to Join the Bruins…