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September 15, 1951

September 15, 1951

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded..October 1, 1547 Published by HOCKEY NEWS COMPANY Circulation Room 204, King’s Hall Bldg., 1231 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Advertising & Editorial 6303 A Sun Life Bldg., 1155 Metcalfe St., Montreal 2, Que. Yearly Subscription Price $2.50 in Canada — $3.50 in U.S.A. Authorized as second class mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Entered as second class mail at the Post Office in Buffalo, N.Y., and Saint Albans, Vt. Return all U.S undellverable copies under Form 3579 to the Hockey News Company, Room 204, King’s Hail Bldg., 1231 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 25, Que. Printed in Canada Vol 4 September 15th, 1951 No. 35 The hopes and prayers of everyone in the hockey world—players, fans and executives alike—are riding with the air and ground searchers conducting an intensive hunt for missing…


Stewart, Hergy Counted On To Revive Rangers

GUELPH, Ont.— Manager Frank Boucher’s out-of-season deals with Boston, Detroit and Cleveland coupled with early favorable reports on the physical condition of holdovers such as Edgar Laprade and Nick Mickoski have given the New York Rangers some measure of satisfaction as they assembled in their new training camp at Guelph, Ont. Nine Rangers were notified to report for one reason or another Nine Sept. 14, with the bulk of the oquad due to check in a week later. The vanguard group included Capt. Frank Eddolls, defenseman; Emile Francis, spare goalie, and forwards Laprade, Mickoski, Ed Harrison, Jackie McLeod, Buddy O’Connor, Ed Slowinski and Zellio Toppazzini. X-Rays Prove Edgar O.K. X-rays taken periodically of Laprade’s left ankle, broken on Jan. 17 with half the season remaining, have revealed constant improvement, and Boucher has the assurance…


Anderson Sets Sights On Winner In Fresh Year as Calgary Coach

CALGARY, Alta.— In line with their announcement that “big things were to come” before the start of the season in their new hockey surroundings, Calgary Stampeders announced the signing of a new coach in the person of Tommy (Cowboy) Anderson, the former Drumheller, Calgary and National League hockey star. Tommy takes over from Byron (Butch) McDonald at the helm for the past two seasons, who may remain with the club in a playing capacity. Lloyd Turner, Stamps’ manager, made the announcement prior to leaving for a Western Canada - Pacific Coast Hockey League meeting in Seattle. Mr. Turner said that with the entry of Calgary into professional ranks it was felt that a “name” coach was needed. Anderson, a familiar face to Calgary hockey fans since he coached the Currie Army team to three successive…


Bruins May Still Be Sold Before Season Opens

BOSTON, Mass.— The anticipated mid-summer transfer of ownership of the Boston Bruins has evaporated, leaving in its wake a flood of rumors. The rumors say that even though the sale of the club by its present owners to the Boston Garden-Arena Corporation failed to materialize on schedule, the Bruins will still be sold before the opening of the season. The failure of the deal between President Weston W. Adams and his fellow Bruins’ stockholders and the ‘Garden-Arena Corporation, headed by Walter A. Brown, was a distinct surprise here. The first Inkling that things had not progressed according to schedule came the first of August, when an announcement was made that the Garden Arena’s option to buy the stock, expiring August first, had been extended 15 days. Then on August 15 a factual announcement was made…