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July 15, 1951

July 15, 1951

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Switch To Clancy From Anderson Big Surprise To Hornets’ Management

TORONTO, Ont.— Frank King Clancy, one of the most colorful defensemen in the history of the National Hockey League, has returned to the Toronto Maple Leafs’ hockey organization. Managing Director Conn Smythe announced that the great little Irish battler, who originally joined the Leafs in 1930 in the greatest hockey player deal up until that time, would coach Pittsburgh Hornets of the American League. Clancy, last year with Cincinnati Mohawks and rumored to be appointed referee-in-chief of the AHL and public relations director, replaces Tommv Anderson. “The King is back with the Leafs where he belongs,” a jubilant Smythe said as he made the announcement while watching the Variety Night show at Maple Leaf Stadium. Clancy made hockey history when he joined the Leafs, purchased from Ottawa Senators for $35,000 and two players. Clancy took…


Ten Grand And Debt To Quebec’s Fandom Net Aces Beliveau

MONTREAL. Que.— It is not news that Jean Marc Beliveau, star of the Quebec City Junior Citadels last season has spurned a pro contract from the Canadiens. However, the reasons he turned up his nose to what has been termed the biggest money offer ever made a player coming out of junior hockey have never been clearly reported. There have been numerous reasons written why this giant of a lad with the million dollar hockey brain refused a contract to piay in nocaey major league. Some said It was romance, others politics and still others had him in business. It was reported that he was too much In love with a Quebec City lass to leave and it was also reported that he was persuaded to stay in Quebec and play for…



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Tobin Charged Lack of Support by North Bay Officials, has Change of Heart, Returns for Camp

CHICAGO, Ill.— The Chicago Black Hawks will train in North Bay again this coming Fall despite rumors to the contrary. General Manager Bill Tobin has announced that his Hawks, under Coach Ebbie Goodfellow will assemble in the Northern Ontario town in mid-September. The exact dat of the opening of the training camp is not yet known. Tobin at one time was not too anxious to take his Hawks back to North Bay for their training period, after playing to nearly empty houses during their exhibition games last season. Tobin charged that neither he nor Goodfellow got co-operation from the town’s council when it came to publicity and entertainment facilities for his players. Tobin actually switched his training quarters to Sudbury but has since been persuaded to try once again in North Bay.…