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March 10, 1951
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
Is Smythe Blast Just Camouflage For Leaf Lapse?
DETROIT, Mich.— Can it be that Conn Smythe, wily general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, is about ready to concede that his club won’t catch Detroit’s first-place Red Wings during the season? Smythe’s recent blast involving the Wings had a familiar old ring. It came right out of the handbook which lists all the old dodges in hockey about diverting attention, or taking the heat off your own club. Such action is almost standard procedure for a brass hat whose club is failing at a given task. The scream he loosened apparently was intended to cover up, or alibi the fact that Toronto isn’t making expected headway at overtaking the Wings, who ousted the Leafs from the National Hockey League lead two months ago. Smythe Does Crying In this case, Smythe charged that…
The Hockey News
THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded.. October 1, 1947 Published by Hockey News Company, 603A Sun Life Building, Montreal, Que. Yearly Subscription Price $2,50 in Canada—$3.50 in U.S.A. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Entered as second class mail at the Post Office in Utica, N.Y., and Saint Albans, Vt. Return all U.S. undeliverable copies under Form 3579 to the Hockey News Company, 603A Sun Life Bldg., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Printed in Canada Vol. 4 March, 10, 1951 No. 23 COMING UNSTUCK AT THE EDGES Those wild and wooly scenes—worthy of the most sprightly television western—observed in the National Hockey League over the past week-end testify to the heat and strain the various teams are under as they pound down the home stretch in a do-or-die effort to win and consolidate playoff positions. With five clubs in the…
Goalie’s Antics Marcel Pelletier, former Milwaukee netminder, was quite a favorite with the Chicago hockey fans, He replaced the Hawk’s Harry Lumley who has been hospitalized with a stomach ailment. Hawk fans do not rate Pelletier In the same class with Lumley but reports have it that the French Canadian Kid’s antics really send the Chicago faithful. Bad Break Denver Falcon coach, Bill Cook, went 24 years as a player and coach before incurring a broken bone. Cook suffered the break while directing a special practice of his Falcons at Colorado Springs’ plush Broadmoor Ice Palace. HOW THE RACE GOES RESULTS OF GAMES Feb. 21—Milwaukee 2, Kansas City 5 Feb. 22—St. Pawl 1, Denver 3 Feb. 22—Milwaukee 1, Tulsa 4 Feb. 24—Milwaukee 6, Omaha 7 Feb. 24—Kansas City 1, Tulsa 7 Feb. 25—Omaha 5, Milwaukee 5 Feb. 25—Tulsa 4 Kansas City 6 Feb.…
Head coach, Sports College The most complete book on Hockey ever published, covering the fundamentals and advanced techniques from beginning skating to basic teamplay, from practice organization to training diets From the Experts:— ’The Hockey Handbook is probably a milestone in Hockey publications. It fills what has long been one of the greatest needs in Hockey—a basic book of instructions” Jack Adams, Gen. Mgr., Detroit Red Wings. “A magnificent book!” Dick Vaughan, Pres. American Hockey Coaches Association. “A teacher’s explanation in detail, from the simplest in skating to the scientific application of the intricate Hockey problem! Doug Grimston, President C.A.H.A. At your bookseller or through Sports College, Box 99, Toronto.—$3.50 THE COPP CLARK CO. LIMITED 495-517 Wellington St. West TORONTO CANADA…