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November 5, 1949

November 5, 1949

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Your Star Of Yesteryear

?? WHO IS HE?? Here are a pair of clues to the Identification of the gentleman in the above picture. 1. Played for the Ottawa Senators. 2. Had a brother who was also a famous hockey player. Your Star Off Yesteryear Your Star Of Yesteryear is none other than the great Bruce Stuart, former player with the Ottawa Senators.…



(Solution Next Week) ACROSS 1. Left winger pictured in center. 7. Hex tail’s first name. 8. Neuter pronoun. 11. Initials of “The Rocket’’. 12. One of Detroit players. 13. Short nickname given to any member of Indianapolis club. 15. State in which pictured star plays home games (abbr.). 16. Month in which “Peanuts” O’Plaherty celebrates birth. 17. What Michaluk is called for short. 19. First name of 12 Across (abbr.). 20. Tommy Ivan has had professional experience as a player. 21. One of St. Pats. Stanley Cup winners, 1921-22. 23. Act. 24. Nickname of Mortson, Toronto player. 25. Pictured player was 32 years in October, 1948. 27. A former NHA and NHL club. 31. Near. 32. First name of Indianapolis left winger. 35. How Detroit fared in 1948 play-off games with Toronto. 37. This is drawn through center ice. 38. Harvey Fraser suffered broken one during hockey career. DOWN 1. Club for which pictured…


Winless Wonders

DETROIT, Mich. — The 1949-50 season hasn’t offered any more happiness so far than did the 1948-49 campaign for the Windsor Ryancretes. Ryancrete joined the International Hockey League last season, and was distinguished by a complete lack of success. In 81 games, Ryancrete won none. The final record was 26 defeats and five ties. After one week this season Ryancrete reluctantly has extended its nonwinning streak to 84. One more defeat and two more ties went into the books.…



A hockey game lasts sixty minutes and is the only sport that provides sixty minutes of continual action. We have taken surveys of other sports and the results are surprising. Maybe you never realized it but do you know that in a big league baseball game that lasts an hour and a half there is exactly eleven minutes of sustained action. In hockey when the whistle is blown to halt play, the clock stops. Thus, there is sixty minutes of actual play. In baseball, the ball itself is in actual play only eleven minutes while the pitcher gets ready to pitch, the batter gets ready to bat, the fielders get ready to field, and so forth. In football, surveys prove that the ball is in play thirteen minutes of the required one hour. Rest of…