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January 12, 1949

January 12, 1949

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.



Powerhouse Center One of the most improved players In the U.S.H.U is Wee Trainor center for 8t. Paul. Coach Clint Smith, a great center Ice player him self, has opent hours teaching Wes. and Trainor has been an apt pupil. Passed The Test 8t. Paul defenseman Bob Dill, likes to bee if newcomers “can take it”. Recently he “tested” Eddie Dorohoy and Jacques Ixtcas and fouud they passed the “test” and were even eager to dish It out. HOW THE RACE GOES Last Week’s Games Dember 30 — Kansas City 5, at St. padl 1; Minneapolis 5, at Fort Worth 0. January 1 — St. Paul 0, at Minneapolis 0; Omaha 0, at Tulsa 5; Fort Worth 3, at Dallas 7. January 2 — Minneapolis 5, at St. Paul 6; Tulsa at Kansas City 6; Omaha 5, at…


Amateur Parade At Quick Glance

CAPE BRETON SENIOR STANDINGS ON WED. A.M., JAN. 5 MARITIME BIG FOUR SENIOR STANDINGS ON WED. A.M., JAN. 4 EASTERN CANADA SENIOR STANDINGS ON THURS. A.M., JAN. 6 QUEBEC JUNIOR STANDINGS ON THURS. A.M., JAN. 6 O. H. A. JUNIOR “A” STANDINGS ON WED. A.M., JAN. 5 WESTERN CANADA JUNIOR Thursday, December 30 Lethbridge 3, Bellevue 8 Monday, January 3 Medicine Hat 1, Lethbridge 4 Calgary 5, Bellevue 4 Defensive Forward Eddie Kuliman, recently obtained by the Providence Reds in the American Hockey League, from the New Rork Rangers, is rated as one of the finest defensive forwards in the game. His backchecking ability is as well known as his scoring prowess and he is often used to “kill off” penalties.…


That Red Light Fascinates Them

Whether It be the first or 200th goal of a hockey player’s career, the hard competition of a game makes him just as enthusiastic when he lights that red goal lamp. Terry Reardon, playing coach of the high flying Providence Reds in the American Hockoy League, who has scored many a marker during his brilliant career in both the American and National Hockey Leagues, enjoyed profound jubilation over scoring a goal recently. Reardon couldn’t refrain from doing an impromtu jig on the ice when the puck flew into cage. Such is the spirit that make hockey so popular.…



THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded October 1, 1947 Published By Hockey News Company, 603A Sun Life Building. Montreal, Que. Yearly Subscription Price $2.50 in canada — $3.50 in U.S.A. Authorized as second class mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Printed in Canada Vol.2 JANUARY 12, 1949 No. 15 Favorite topic of conversation, argument and opinion around the National Hockey League currently is the excess of rough play and injuries which seems to have descended upon this loop, in common with others. It’s the consensus among all except the most bloodthirsty fans that things have gone just a bit too far, but it’s another topic like the weather — everyone talks about it, but nothing is ever done. Of course, it’s unfair to say that nothing at all is done. For after a recent Montreal-Toronto fiasco, substantial fines were slapped…