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October 20, 1948
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
Three New Men
Pittsburgh Hornets have three fine newcomers on their club this season. They are Harry Psutka, rugged defenseman, Rudy Migav. slight but speedy forward, and Rene Trudell, former New York Ranger forward.…
Hawks’ Search For Goalie Over; Kaleta Should Benefit Rangers
CHICAGO, Ill. — We know two men in the National Hockey League who are resting easier today. They are Bill Tobin, President of Chicago Black Hawks, and Charlie Conacher, coach of the same outfit. It isn’t that these two stalwarts have suddenly discovered a mattress of lasting comfort. What’s taken the furrowed lines from their faces is the securing of a hockey player. The man responsible for bringing sunlight into the lives of this pair of harried puck geniuses from the Windy City is a guy called James “Sugar” Henry, late of New York Rangers and New Haven Ramblers. Henry goes to the Hawks via the trade route which saw Rangers give him up for Emil (The Cat) Francis, a goalkeeper, and Alex Kaleta, left winger. For a long time, the Hawks…
Chicago Hawk Officials Initiated Into “Knights Of The Arctic Circle’
NORTH BAY, Ont. — At a recent banquet jointly sponsored by the Associated Canadian Travellers, the City of North Bay and the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Tobin, president of the Chicago Black Hawks, Charlie Conacher, coach of the Hawks and Joe Farrell, publicity director for the club, were “initiated” as “Knights of the Arctic Circle — 48 degrees below.” Tobin, Conacher and Farrell were decked out in fur coats and hats for the affair which was conducted by S. E. Dewey, president of the chamber of Commerce.…
‘Hard Rock’ Chamberlain Colorful And Durable
MONTREAL, Que. — During the long years of professional hockey, there have been any number of rough-and-tumble players. As time passes, these individuals have become fewer. Today in the N.H.L. one of the most durable stick wield ers is Erwin Groves (Murph) Chamberlain, better known as “Hard Rock.” At 34, Murph is still going a good lick for Montreal Canadiens, as a throwback from the rugged days of hockey. More than one opponent has spent time following a game against Chamberlain counting tne lumps which the aggressive “Hard Rock” planted. Always full of color with his vigorous form, Murph has exchanged blows with most of the players in the National Hockey League. He doesn’t win’em all, but he’s willing to stand up and slug it out regardless of the results. Chamberlain is a…