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October 6, 1948
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.
THE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY WEEKLY Founded October 1, 1947 Published by Hockey News Company, 603A Sun Life Building. Montreal, Que. Yearly Subscription Price $2.50 in Canada — $3.50 in U.S.A. Authorized as second class mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Printed in Canada VOL. 2 OCTOBER 6, 1944 No. 1 By this time next week the race will be on in most professional and amateur hockey circuits, and the teams will be off from the barrier in what promises to be the biggest and best season ever enjoyed by the World’s Fastest Sport. The pre-season training grind and the warm-up exhibition tilts will be but a memory for another year, and the teams will be going all out in the serious business of jockeying for position and fighting it out down the long trail that will end next March or…
Red Wings Seen In Second Spot, Canadiens Third
Ken McKenzie has issued a clarion call for us to do a bit of light, family forecasting regarding the outcome of the forthcoming N. H. L. race which at first glance might seem to be an easy task for a predictor of the old school. Usually we can call on Claire the Clairvoyant, Harry the Horoscope man, or Swami Sam, but all seem to have gone to parts unknown, so we are strictly on our own. Being a chap who steps in where angels fear to tread, We trust that nothing we say will be used in evidence against us come next April, but with a fine disregard for statistics, precedent and what not we will take the plunge, and if we go wrong hope that public memory will be shorter…
Rocket Richard Keystone Of Montreal Habs Hopes
MONTREAL, Que. — After a dismal season in 1947-48 when the squad finished out of the playoffs for the first time since the Old Maestro, Dick Irvin, had them under his wing, things are looking brighter for Montreal Canadiens. There’s plenty of fight and fire in the squad this season, but the one vital factor that will go far to determine their final place in or out of the playoff’sun is — just how will Maurice Richard go this year. It mighn’t be absolutely true to say that “as Richard goes, so go the Canadiens,” but you couldn’t prove that by their performance of last winter. With the great Rocket, hockey’s biggest bomber of recent years, in a slump during most of the campaign, the Habitants slid and floundered around without getting…
Phil Watson Is Named New York Rover Coach
NEW YORK, N.Y. New York Rovers, doing double duty by playing in the Quebec Senior Hockey League and the Eastern United States Hockey League last winter, didn’t do so well, but they have some plans to change all that next winter. That’s according to Coach Frankie Boucher of the parent New York Rangers, who says the Rovers will have a vastly stronger team with which to swing into action when the 1948-49 campaign opens. Boucher says every effort will be made to turn the Rovers into a strong contender, and he’s confident they’ll better their showing of last winter when they finished sixth in the seven-team Q.S.H.L. They will be coached by “Phiery Phil” Watson next season, replacing Freddie Metcalfe who was taken ill during the 1947-48 playoffs. The scrappy Watson should…