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November 26, 1947

November 26, 1947

The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. In each issue, you'll find news, features and opinions about the NHL and leagues across North America and the world.


Chicago Ices New Team From Goal Out As Doug Jackson Replaces Cat Francis

CHICAGO— The Chicago Black Hawks found a remedy for one of their ailments when they secured the five Toronto players and Roy Conacher recently, but they’re not finished yet. In fact, one of Coach Johnny Gottselig’s big worries is still actually unsettled, that’s his goaler. It was always common knowledge that Emile “The Cat” Francis was never the man for the Chicago cordage; in fact Gottselig admitted it himself when interviewed by THE HOCKEY NEWS a few weeks ago. He said that Francis was too small for the big company and that he also lacked the necessary experience. The Next Step The Hawks have now reinforced their forward and defence departments by the two headline deals and it left only the goaling problem to be dealt with. After finding no top-ranking netminders in the…


North Bay Club Sets Sights On Ontario Laurels

NORTH BAY, ONT.— It’s the Northern Ontario senior hockey crown this season or bust as far as the boys behind North Bay’s hockey setup are concerned. And despite the setback the Hollinger Greenshirts handed them last year in the Northern Ontario Hockey Association playoffs, the Bay boys will be back gunning for the title. Pete Palnegie is behind the big move this year and he had named his club the Black Hawks and has patterned their uniforms along the Chicago lines. Pete himself played for the Hawks at one time and also for the St. Louis Flyers. North Bay should be able to ice a powerful club as it will probably be built around Pep Kelly, former Toronto Leaf, Bill Holouka, Doug McDonald and Shep Mayer. Kelly presents a problem hower. He is…


Kenny Schultz, Lions’ Slick Redhead, Comes Back For More Despite Injuries

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Kenny Schultz, hustling centre of the Washington Lions of the American Hockey League, fast is establishing himself in two departments. Primarily the fighting redhead from the Pittsburgh Hornets is the team’s spark-plug and driving inspiration. And again he’s the hard luck kid who takes his lumps, and bravely comes back for more. Kenny received one of these jolts that break a coach’s heart in the early season as the Lions played Springfield’s Indians at Uline Arena. Washington was leading 5-0, with only 26 seconds of play remaining when Kenny skated in to beat Goalie Yves Nadon to the net. Nadon, disgusted with this turn of affairs, swung his stick disgustedly, and accidentally caught Schultz squarely in the face. A dislocated jaw was feared, but Kenny escaped with a lacerated lip…



HOW THE RACE GOES Last Week’s Games November 19—Quebec 9 Boston 8; Ottawa 9 New York 3. November 20—New York, 6 Shawinigan 6; Boston 9, Valleyfield. 5. November 21—Montreal 8, Valleyfield 2. November 22—Ottawa 9, Boston 1. November 23—Valleyfield 7, Quebec 2; Shawinigan 6, Ottawa 2; New York 3, Montreal 2. Gaines of Coming Week November 2G—New York at Quebec. November 27—Montreal at Shawinigan; Ottawa at Boston; New York at Valleyfield. November 29—Shawinigan at Ottawa; Quebec at Montreal; Valleyfield at Boston. November 30—Montreal at Quebec; Shawinigan at New York. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Montreal 2, at Ottawa 4. First Period 1—Ottawa…Check (Smith)………8.14 2—Ottawa…Mathers (Smith)………14.17 3—Ottawa…Check (Stahan)………14.31 Fennities Morenz. Second Period 4—Royals…Plamondon (Casavant, Malone)………18.16 5—Ottawa…Smart (Greene, Irvine)………19.53 Penalties; McLean. Third Period 6—Royals…Morin (Haggerty)………6.30 Penalties: Plamondon. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Ottawa 3, at Montreal 5. First Period 1—Royals…Haggerty (Lepine, Morin) ………. 3.01 2—Royals…Pepin ……… 17.48 3—Royals…Plamondon (Malone) ……… 14.34 Penalties: Check (2), McLean, Orlando, Lepine. Second Period 4-r-Ottawa…Smith (Mathers………33 5—Ottawa…Smart (Stahan, Greene) ……… 13.35 Penalties: Casavant, Galbraith. Third Period 6—Ottawa…Irvine (Greene, Smart)…