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January 22, 2018
The Hockey News has been providing the most comprehensive coverage of the world of hockey since 1947. THN is published 18 times a year, including 14 regular issues and four special issues – such as Future Watch, Draft Preview, Yearbook, the #1 selling hockey annual in North America.

1 JOHN TAVARES AGE 27 | LY 59 New York Islanders center Wields even more power than Steven Stamkos did two seasons ago as, unlike Stamkos then, Tavares is playing the best hockey of his career. He’s the No. 1 UFA of all-time if he goes to open market. Dozens of suitors will grovel for his services. He could equal Connor McDavid’s $12.5-million AAV. 2 GARY BETTMAN 65 | 3 NHL commissioner Criticize him if you like, but Bettman is a fierce and accomplished adversary. NHL owners didn’t want to go to the Olympics, and Bettman found enough holes in the IOC to make it happen. Meanwhile, the price of a franchise (new or used) keeps climbing, and Seattle looks like a go. 3 JEREMY JACOBS 77 | 7 Boston Bruins owner Leader of the board of governors…

AGE 38 | LAST YEAR nr THE SMARTEST GUY IN the room isn’t the one talking up his IQ or Ivy League education. He’s the guy admitting how little he knows about the world and constantly trying to learn more. It doesn’t take long to figure out which category George Parros fits into. Sure, he has an economics degree from Princeton, which, coupled with his trademark Magnum P.I.-esque moustache, made him one of the NHL’s most unique enforcers during his nine-season career. But he never spent his playing days looking down his bloodied nose at opponents who barely earned their high school diplomas. Parros thought of himself as an underdog. Even while playing NCAA Div. I, he never dreamed he’d become a pro hockey player. Once he made the NHL, he aspired…

Jersey HOUND
ROCKFORD ICEHOGS | 2017-18 ROCKFORD’S REGULAR CREST IS perfectly serviceable by AHL standards. But the IceHogs took things to another level when they created their alternate sweater for this season. The crest brings to mind the third jersey worn by the Boston Bruins for nearly a decade before the recent league-wide uniform change, and I love how Rockford went with a realistic pig here. This looks like a restaurant I would eat at every time I was in that town. On top of the great crest, you get a really nice grey color scheme here while still shouting out the parent club Chicago Blackhawks on the shoulder patches.…

MIDDLE MANAGEMENT Getting moved to center placed more responsibility on Larkin’s shoulders and has increased his impact on games. THE FIRST THING YOU notice in the video is the couch. Cream colored with vertical white stripes. You know the one, aged out of the living room and relegated to the basement of your run-of the-mill Midwest home. To the left of the frame sits a rosy-cheeked 13-year-old kid, an American flag draped over his shoulders and dark hair spilling out from under a rally cap. Soon, he’s joined by his helmet-wearing, American Eagle-clad co-host. For the next three minutes and 25 seconds, ‘E.G. Slayer,’ a.k.a. Evan Gizinski, and ‘D-Boss,’ alias Dylan Larkin – yes, that Dylan Larkin – take us on a“snip show” odyssey. It’s the teenaged Larkin who introduces us to…